Проблемы китайского и общего языкознания. К 90-летию С. Е. Яхонтова

 551  A Summary of Classical Chinese Analytic Syntax...   nadS1.adS2 jīn yī r n y n shì y u h 今一人言市有虎 NOW ONE PERSON SAY MARKET EXIST TIGER... “ Now suppose one single person says that there is a tiger in the market place...” *preceding and modifying another sentence* [NB: This noun introduces a subordinate sen- tence.] nadS1.postS2 … shí y u yī r n ... 時有一人 … TIME EXIST APERSON “… At that time there was a man.” *being in construction with a preceding sentence which indicates what time is being referred to* [NB: This noun introduces a sentence that is linked up to a preceding paragraph by the resumptive semantics of shí 時 “at that (i.e. just specified in the preceding S2 ) time”.] Postnominal noun npostN npost-N t ng shàng 堂上 HALL ABOVE “ in the hall” *modified by preceding nominal* n(post-N) zài qián 在前 BE/IN FRONT “be in front (of it) ” *modifying implicit noun contextually retrievable because only the context will tell us what this is in front of* [NB: One must note that qi n 前 “front” is always understood as the front of something understood from context, never from the dictionary as such.] n[post-N] sh ng shēn 傷身 HARM BODY “injure [self’s > one’s own] person > get oneself injured’ *implicit modifying noun (i.e. SELF) for sh n 身 lexically retrievable* npostadN m o ér 貓兒 CAT SUFF “cat (NOT: kitten)”, tú r 屠兒 BUTCHER SUFF “butcher” *modifying a preceding noun (in this case a pronoun)* [NB: Almost all such “suffixes” seem to be post-Bud- dhist in origin. ] npost=Npr Hu n gōng 桓公 HUAN DUKE “ Duke Huán” (who was NOT a Duke, actually...) *in “apposition”-coordination with a noun that precedes* n[post=npro] sǒu 叟 OLD/MAN “[You,] venerable oldman” n[post-npro_1.][post=npro_2] jūn 君 RULER “[You,] [my] ruler > your highness, you” 1.1.2. Complex or plurisyllabic nouns NP jūn-zǐ 君子 RULER SON “gentleman” NP{PRED} complex nominal predicative noun K ngzǐ shèn- gr n Mèngzǐ xi n r n 孔子聖人,孟子賢人 CONFUCIUS SAGE PERSON MENCIUS BE-WORTHY HE-WHO “Confucius was a sage, Mencius was a worthy”. (LUNHENG) *functioning as the predicate of a sentence*