Проблемы китайского и общего языкознания. К 90-летию С. Е. Яхонтова

 550    Christoph Harbsmeier Denominal adjective nadN guó r n 國人 STATE PERSON “people of the state (definite and typically vaguely universal in context) ” n/vadN shèng rén shèng r n 聖人 SAGE PERSON “per- son of sagehood —  sagely person” *primarily denominal, but arguably per- haps also deverbal* [NB: “Adjectives” like this can sometimes be construed as either adnominal verbs or as adnominal nouns, there being a fairly clear preference for one or the other construal. The present formula records this situation in all its messiness. Note incidentally that none of the prolific com- mentaries from ancient times could ever discuss these alternative interpreta- tions. The alternatives seem to arise only from a Western perspective.] n|vadN zhì r n 智人 WISDOM PERSON “person of wis- dom or wise person” *denominal or deverbal, there being no clear reason to prefer one analysis to the other* [NB: For some such “adjectives” the decision to construe them as adnominal verbs or adnominal nouns seems arbitrary. The present formula records this situation in all its messiness.] nadN.adV zhōng dào fèi 中道廢 MIDDLE WAY “give up mid way” *precedes and modifies a nominal, that whole construction in turn preceding and modifying a verbal expression* [N.B. The semantics of the construction nadN in zh ngdào 中道 poses important questions that need detailed attention. The meaning is remarkably close to dào zh ng 道中 “in the middle of the way”.] Denominal adverb nadV zhū rén lì 豕人立 PIG PERSON STAND “the pig stood up like a human ” n{PLACE}adV shān jū 山居 MOUNTAIN DWELL “live in the mountains ” *modified by a place adverb* [NB: One is not just saying that sh n 山 “is an adverb”. Under this category one assembles cases of what traditional grammarians have called huó yòng 活用 “derived grammatical functions” of nouns .] nadV.postN{SUBJ} Zh u zuó l i 周昨來 ZHUANGZI YESTERDAY COME “When I, Zhuāng Zhōu, came yesterday ” *the adver- bial construction preceded by an explicit subject* [NB: Note that the position of the denominal adverb zuó 昨 is between subject and predicate. Adverbial modification of predicative nouns seems not so easy to find in pre-Han litera- ture. But we know exactly what it would take to find an example. The struc- ture would have to be nadN{PRED} or even nadN{PRED}.postN{SUBJ}. ] Denominal sentence adverbs nadS zuó dì dòng 昨地動 YESTERDAY EARTH MOVE “ Yesterday the earth moved > there was an earthquake”