Проблемы китайского и общего языкознания. К 90-летию С. Е. Яхонтова

 549  A Summary of Classical Chinese Analytic Syntax...   npro.postN:adNPab:.adS W n w ng zhī zhì Qí y 文王之 治岐也 ... WEN KING THIS:GENITIVE/PRO GOVERN QI … “As for King Wén’s governing in Qí > When King Wén ruled in Qí …” [NB: More explicitly, this case could be analysed as npro.postN:adNPab{VtoN}:.adS , but the point of our analysis is that the nominalised verb phrase could be of any kind whatever.] npro.post-N{PRED}@topic m zhě 馬者 HORSE SUB- JECT-WHICH-PRO “(As for) that which is a horse > As for the horse...” [NB: This phrase will normally function as a topic, and we indicate this by the gloss after the hyphen with empty spaces on both sides.] npro.post-Nab{PRED}@topic r n zhě 仁者 HUMANE SUBJECT-WHICH-PRO “ (As for) that which is benevolence...” [NB: The reading “the benevolent persons” does not concern us here. See be- low.] npro.post-V r n zhě 仁者 HUMANE SUBJECT- WHICH-PRO “ he who is benevolent” [NB: This phrase does not necessa- rily function as a topic and may well serve as an object or indeed as a noun phrase modifying another noun phrase.] npro.postVt sh zhī 殺之 KILL OBJECT/PRO “killed him ” *pronoun grammaticalised to function as object of a (normally) pre- ceding transitive verb* npro{OBJ}.+Vt hé zhī 何之 “where are you off to ?” npro{OBJ}.+Vt0 wèi zhī y u 未之有 “there has never been any such thing ” npro=N yú yī r n 余一人 EGO ONE PERSON “ I, the single person (i. e. king)” *in apposition-coordination with a nominal* [NB: It is useful to remember that pronouns do NOT occur as the second member of such collocations. Moreover, one may need to make it analytically explicit that the NP yī r n 一人 ONE PERSON is coreferential with the pronoun but would normally be taken to provide a further explanation of it and is thus, in traditional terminology, “epexegetic”.] Proper noun npr 堯 YAO “(Emperor) Yáo ” npr.post-V{NUM} suī y u shí Yáo ... 雖有十堯 … EVEN/ IF HAVE > EXIST TEN YAO … “Even if there were ten Emperor Yáos , ...” *counted as what is called “Vossian names” in traditionalist rhetorical trea- tises of the renaissance* [NB: Including this syntactic category reflects our cognitive interest (shared long ago by Professor Voss) in the phenomenon. It does not indicate any objective particular significance of this particular syntactic phenomenon.]