Проблемы китайского и общего языкознания. К 90-летию С. Е. Яхонтова

 548    Christoph Harbsmeier nab.t(post-N) wèn zhèng 問政 “ask about the government (of the contextually determinate state) ” *transitive with implicit contextu- ally determinate preceding object* [NB: This is the much rarer interpretation of the phrase, this meaning normally requiring the pronoun qí 其 “this, the; his; its”. The point is that the noun zhèng 政 is never intransitive like the noun lǐ 禮 “ritual propriety” or yì 義 “rectitude, duty”.] Pronoun npro w 我 “ I (for my part, as opposed to you)” npro.adN wú ji 吾家 EGO FAMILY “ my family” *modi- fying a noun* npro.adN1:post-N2 r n zhī b n 仁之本 HUMANE GENITIVE/PRO BASIS “the basis of humanity”. *marking modification of a postposed nominal expression* [NB: This is only one of two possib- le ways of construing this common syntactic structure. For comments see npropostN1.adN2 below.] npro.adNab sī w n 斯文 THIS ELEGANT “ this/such elegance” *modifying an abstract noun* npro.adV hé g n sǐ 回何敢死 HUI > EGO WHO/HOW DARE DIE “ How should I presume to die” *adverbial* [NB: One might in the end decide that what we have here is not an adverbial version of a pro- noun h 何 but a grammaticalised particle.] nproad.V{NUM}adN cǐ s n r n 此三人 THIS THREE PERSON “ these three persons” *in apposition with a counted noun* npro.adS1:adS2 fú rú shì … 夫如是 … NOW RESEMBLE THIS ... “ Now things being like this...” *modifying a sentence S1, that whole construction modifying a second sentence S2 [The numbering as in S1 and S2 in a formula for a syntactic category is according to their occurrence in that for- mula and not in accordance with their occurrence in the analysed sentence itself. Thus in any formula S1 will precede S2 which in turn will precede S3 , just as N1 will precede N2 which in turn will precede N3 in all formulae, irrespective of the order of the occurrence of these constituents in the sentences analysed.] npropostN1.adN2 r n zhī b n 仁之本 HUMANE THIS:GENITIVE/PRO BASIS “the basis of humanity” * zhī 之 being in construction with a preceding nominal, this phrase ending in zhī 之 itself being marked for modifying a second nominal* [NB: We take zhī 之 to be in construction with the preceding nominal, on analogy with modern de 的 . But since zhī 之 also means “this” in adnominal position, it is entirely possible to construe the word to go with the noun that follows in such a way that the “genitive” function is understood, as it were, and indicated by the position alone. We would then analyse npro.adN1:post-N2 .]