Проблемы китайского и общего языкознания. К 90-летию С. Е. Яхонтова

 547  A Summary of Classical Chinese Analytic Syntax...   nab.post-V{NUM} r n b n y u liù qíng 人本有六情 MAN BASIS HAVE SIX EMOTION “Man basically has six kinds of emotions ” *postverbal counted* [NB: This registers counted abstract nouns, often ab- stract taxonomies which are of special interest for the philosophy of science and for intellectual history generally.] *counted by kind* nab.adN lǐ r n 禮人 PROPRIETY PERSON “persons of propriety ” *modifying a noun, denominal adjective* nab.adV xīn yu 心悅 HEART BE/PLEASED “(he) was pleased in his mind ” *modifying a verb, denominal “adverb”* nab.post-N r n dào 人道 PERSON WAY “ Way of/for man” *modified by preceding nominal* nab[.post-N] xiū shēn 修身 CULTIVATE PERSONALITY “cultivate [one’s own] personality ” *modified by a lexically determinate implicit preceding N* [NB: The point is that in this verb-object construc- tion PERSONALITY is construed as someone's abstract personal features.. Body-building, or cultivating oneself is not intended by this Chinese phrase. When sh n 身 refers to the body or serves as a plain reflexive pronoun it is a count noun nc .] nab.post-S shàng bù n ng gù 上不能故 ABOVE NOT CA- PABLE CAUSE “ because the superiors are incompetent; the reason is that the superiors are incompetent” * modified by preceding sentence* [NB: The sentence “The superiors are incompetent” modifies the gù 故 .] nab{PRED} lǐ y 禮也 RITUAL MODAL/PART “(This) is (in accordance with the) ritual propriety .” *functioning as a predicate* [NB: It is often asserted that y 也 here is the copula or part of the predica- tive. I take this y 也 to be fundamentally the same modal “judgmental” par- ticle as the y 也 in 馬不進也 “It was that the horses did not proceed.” Y 也 marks off a sentence as being non-narrative. It is never copula-like and verbal in classical Chinese.] nab.t:post-N guó zhèng 國政 STATE GOVERNMENT “ administration of the (object) state” *transitive* [NB: Zhèng 政 “admin- istration” is “an administration of (something)”, and it is taken to be impor- tantly different from the plain nab yì 義 “rectitude”. The noun murder is taken to be transitive in its own nominal way, just as to murder is transitive in its verbal way. One might say that in many deverbal nouns transitivity carries over from the verbs into the nouns.] nab.t[:post-N] wèn zhèng 問政 “ask about the govern­ ment [of a state] ” *modified by an understood/implicit lexically deter- minate N* [NB: This is the standard general reading of the phrase in the Analects .]