Проблемы китайского и общего языкознания. К 90-летию С. Е. Яхонтова

 546    Christoph Harbsmeier individual items. Our categories are not taken to apply to words as such. They apply to the words under given interpretations.] nm{PRED} predicative mass noun xi o r n zhī d c o 小人 之德草 SMALL PERSON ‘S VIRTUE GRASS “The virtue of the small man is (like) grass.” (LY) nm.post-V{NUM} shì nóng g ng sh ng sì mín 士農工商四 民者 OFFICIAL PEASANT CRAFTSMAN TRADER FOUR PEOPLE “officials, peasants, craftsmen, and tradesmen, these four kinds of people/ citizens ”, s n jiǔ 三酒 THREE WINE “three kinds of wine” ( 周禮 ) *in con- struction with preceding number verbal* [NB: mín 民 “people” is almost al- ways what we call a collective mass noun in TLS, unlike ji 酒 “wine” which is always what might be called a “stuff mass noun”. But this subclassification has not so far been implemented in any systematic way. This category allows us to register counted mass nouns.] nmadN jīn r n 金人 METAL PERSON “human figure made of metal > metal statue” *modifying a nominal* [NB incidentally: Those metal statues exhibited by the first emperor of China were said to have weighed between 61 and 87 tons, were said to have stood 16.5 meters high, the feet being 1,98 meters long...] nmadV shuǐ xíng 水行 WATER TRAVEL “travel on water ”. Compare also the structurally similar but semantically different shuǐ liú r bù zhǐ 水流而不止 WATER FLOW AND NOT STOP “(The Way) flows like water and does not stop.” *modifying a verbal* [NB: shuǐ liú 水流 WATER FLOWwould, of course, often mean “the water flows”, but not in the context of this quotation where the subject is clearly and explicitly the Way. We note in passing that the interpretation of shuǐ xíng 水行 as “travel by river” would count simply as nadV .] nm.post-V hu ng jīn 黃金 BRELLOW METAL “brellow metal > gold”. [NB: The word hu ng 黃 means neither yellow nor brown. It re- fers to what yellow and brown have in common. Hence the unusual translation BRELLOW which tries to alert the reader to this fact.] *subclassified stuff* Abstract noun nab y u yì 有義 EXIST RECTITUDE “There is rectitude .” [NB: Criteria for determining whether a given noun is abstract include 1) nab cannot be counted with classifiers and are counted — if at all — not by physical item; 2) cannot be quantified by universal, existen- tial or graded quantifiers; 3) cannot be specified with respect to amounts of any concrete stuff; 4) the object designated by the n cannot be said to move in space; 5) cannot be modified by demonstrative pronouns meaning “this” ( npro.adN )].