Проблемы китайского и общего языкознания. К 90-летию С. Е. Яхонтова

 543  A Summary of Classical Chinese Analytic Syntax...   《 V(0)-p 》 (marked verbal sentence with an implicit contextually retrie- vable subject), e. g. zh ng yǐ 忠矣 LOYAL FINAL/PART “(He) put in a loyal effort.” 《 V[0] 》 (verbal sentence with a lexically retrievable implicit sub- ject), e. g. nuò 諾 AGREE “[I] agree (to what is under discussion as pro- posed) > Yes!” [NB: From a strictly analytic point of view all of the above expressions have verbal heads and must therefore, strictly speaking, count as VP s. They must count as VP s that function as sentences]. Nominal Sentence Types : 《 N{PRED}-p.postN{SUBJ} 》 (marked nominal sentence with an expli- cit subject), e. g. zǐ ròu y 子肉也 YOU MEAT “You are meat." 《 N{PRED}postN{SUBJ} 》 (unmarked nominal sentence with an expli- cit subject), e. g. Y T ng shèng r n 禹湯聖人 EMPEROR/YU EMPEROR/ TANG SAGE PERSON “Yǔ and Tāng were sages.” ( 白虎通 ) 《 N(0){PRED}-p 》 (marked nominal sentence with a contextually retrie- vable implicit subject) lǐ y 禮也 RITUAL CLASSIFICATORY-PARTICLE/ YE”(This) is in accordance with ritual." Non-negatable Sentence Types Consisting of (exclamatory etc) Particles: 《 P{PRED 》 grammaticalised exclamation sentence), e. g. wū hū 嗚呼 “Alas!” [NB: Such exclamatory sentences cannot, in general, occur in those syntactic positions designated by S in our syntactic category formulae. For example, we have neither *** wū hū y 嗚呼也 nor *** wū hū yǐ 嗚呼矣 , nor indeed *** wū hū r yǐ 嗚呼而已 ] A simplified grammar outline A simplified introductory outline of the elementary syntactic categories of classical Chinese is presented below. Syntactic categories or syntactic func- tions attach only to expressions that are constituents , i.e. expressions that con- stitute complete functional units. For example, in the sentence ti n xià zhì 天下 治 HEAVEN UNDER WELL-GOVERNED “The world was well-governed” the sequence of words xià zhì 下治 does occur, but this sequence is not an expression that counts as a constituent in this sentence. Therefore xià zhì 下 治 is not assigned any syntactic category or syntactic function in this sentence. Syntactic categories of constituents are taken to be of three kinds only: nominals N , verbals V, and grammaticalised expressions or particles P . All