Проблемы китайского и общего языкознания. К 90-летию С. Е. Яхонтова

 540    Christoph Harbsmeier retrievable implicit subjects. This solution is clearly wide open to debate and is proposed here for discussion only. vt[0]+N.postadV kuì yú fù m 愧於父母 ASHAMED IN/RELATION/TO FATHERMOTHER “feel ashamed vis-à-vis one’s parents” [NB: the verb hài 害 “harm” in this construction, with a preposition, is simply classified conventio­ nally vt+prep+N instead of the clumsier vt_1+vt_2(0)oN . The lexically deter- minate subject of the preposition is the nominalised transitive verb preceding it.] vt[0]+N.postadV yì zhī yǐ y ng 易之以羊 SWAP OBJECT/PRO USE SHEEP “change it for a sheep” [The lexically determinate implicit subject of the vt[0] is the subject of the verbal head V .] vt[0]+N.adV yǐ y ng yì zhī 以羊易之 USE SHEEP SWAP OBJECT/PRO “changed it for a goat” [The lexically determinate implicit subject of the vt[0] is the subject of the verbal head V .] Note that “prepositions” like yǐ 以 may be negated as in píng guó yǐ lǐ, bù yǐ luàn 平國以禮,不以亂 PACIFY STATE USING > WITH RITUAL- PROPRIETY, NOT USING > WITH CHAOS “One pacifies a state through ritual, not through chaos”. Being negatable by bù 不 such “prepositions” must then be categorised not only as deverbal but as verbal. But it has to be emphasised that the account of prepositions in classical Chinese presented here is sketchy and remains highly controversial. Sentence final particles are taken to be postmodifiers of sentences: ppostadS m bù jìn yě 馬不進也 HORSE NOT PROCEED MODAL/ PART “ It was that the horse would not proceed”. w yù r n, z r n zhì yǐ 我 欲仁則仁至矣 I>ONE DESIRE BENEVOLENCE THEN BENEVOLENCE ARRIVE PERFECTIVE-PARTICLE/YI “If one desires human-heartedness then human-heartedness has (thereby) been achieved.” Sentence connectives are taken to be subclasses of particles or verbs: padS1.postS2 , e. g. shàng zūn ér mín cóng 上尊而民從 ABOVE > RU­ LER HONOUR BUT/AND PEOPLE FOLLOW>OBEY “the ruler is honou- red and the people are obedient” padS1.post-S2 , e. g. shàng zūn zé mín cóng 上尊則民從 ABOVE > RU­ LER HONOUR THEN PEOPLE FOLLOW > OBEY “When the ruler is honoured then the people will obey.