Проблемы китайского и общего языкознания. К 90-летию С. Е. Яхонтова

 538    Christoph Harbsmeier 3. v{NUM}adN “items N in the number of v ” sān yuè 三月 “ three months”. [NB: We take the two readings to be semantically distinct while the syn- tactic structure within our system is the same, a number verb modifying a nominal expression.] 3.1. v{NUM}adN@V=ordinal “the number v (of the contextually deter- minate category N)”, “the Nth”, sān yuè 三月 THREE MOON “ third month, March” 1.; 2. v{NUM}(adN) “the number v (of the contextu- ally determinate category N)” sān yu 三曰 … THREE SAY “ the third (item) is...”. 4. v{NUM}adV “to v X-wise”. 4.1. “for the Xth time” yī g zuò qì 三鼓作氣 THREE DRUM CREATE SPIRITS “When he beat the drums for the third time he created fight- ing spirits”. 4.2. v{NUM}adV “X times” Jì W nzǐ sān sī r hòu xíng 季文子三思而後行 JI WENZI THREE REFLECT AND AFTERWARDS ACT “Jì Wénzǐ reflected thrice before he acted”. 4.3. v{NUM}adV “in X respects, X ways” wú rì s n xǐng wú sh n 吾日三省 吾身 EGO DAY THREE EXAMINE EGO>MY PERSON “Every day I examine myself on three counts ”. 4.4. v{NUM}adV “into X parts” sān f n ti n xià 三分天下 THREE DI- VIDE HEAVEN UNDER “divided the world into three parts”. 4.4.1. [[[1. v{NUM}(adV) “(to VERB) for the Xth time” zài r shu i 再而衰 SECOND AND DECLINE “...when he (beat the drum) for the second time the spirits diminished”. 4.4.2. v(adV) “(to VERB ) X times” zài sī k yǐ 再斯可矣 TWICE THIS > THEN ACCEPTABLE MODAL/PART”(Reflecting) twice is enough!” **Note that zài 再 TWICE would be taken to be a particle when viewed from a translation angle, but the word is negatable and I list its adverbial here for comparison only.** ]]] 5. v{NUM}post-N “ X Ns” ti n xià y u dà jiè èr 天下有大戒二 HEAVEN UNDER EXIST PROHIBIT>PROHIBITION TWO “In the world there are two great prohibitions”. 5.1. v{NUM}post-N @ordinal ch n zhī zuì yī y 臣之罪一也 MINISTER/ EGO GENITIVE/PART ONE MODAL/PART “This is my first of- fence”.