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 537  A Summary of Classical Chinese Analytic Syntax...   1.5.1. VPi{NUM}@age qī shí r cóng xīn su yù 七十而從心所欲 SEVEN TEN AND FOLLOW MIND THAT/WHICH DESIRE “When I was seventy years old I followed my heart's desires.” [Since suì 歲 “year” is understood and omitted here, we might restate the analysis of this particular example more explicitly as VP{NUM}[adN.]adV . 2. v{NUM}adN “N, being X in number” ti n wú èr rì 天無二日 HEAVEN LACK TWO SUN “There are no two suns in Heaven”. 2.1. v{NUM}(adN) “five contextually retrievable implicit N” fù yī r yǐ, bù yí y u sān 父一而已,不宜有三 FATHER ONE AND STOP, NOT FIT EXIST THREE “One's father is one in number, and it is not right for there to be three (fathers).” 2. v{NUM}(adN) “X kinds of contextual- ly retrievable implicit Nc ” shì y u wǔ 士有五 GENTLEMAN EXIST THREE “As for gentlemen there are five kinds of (them).” 3. v{NUM} (adN) “X kinds of the contextually retrievable implicit Nab ” NOT FIL- IAL EXIST THREE . LACK OFFSPRING COUNT/AS BIG bù xiào y u s n. wú hòu w i dà 不孝有三。無後為大 NOT FILIAL HAVE THREE. LACK OFFSPRING BE BIG “There are three kinds of un- filialness. The most serious is to have no heir.” 4.  v{NUM}(adN) “the following X kinds of the contextually retrievable implicit Nab as fol- lows” zǐ ju sì 子絕四 MASTER REJECT FOUR “The Master refused to have anything to do with the following four (kinds of behaviour): …” [Note that the number is used cataphorically with reference to what is specified in what immediately follows.] 2.1.1. v{NUM}(adN{OBJ}).+Vt “X kinds of objects of the verb that follows” yì zh sān y u 益者三友 ADD THOSE-WHO THREE FRIEND “Those who make progress befriend three kinds of people ." [Note that this analysis is of the phrase as traditionally understood. Ana- lysis is never of expressions as such. It is always of expressions as under- stood/translated/read in a given way. Thus our analysis at this point is no argument at all in favour of the interpretation of the sentence the structure of which it aims to explicate.] 2.1.2. v{NUM}adN1.postN2 “X items N1 of the N2 kind” Shùn y u ch n wǔ r n 舜有臣五人 SHUN HAVE MINISTER FIVE PERSON “Shùn had five ministers”. [NB: R n 人 was by far the most commonly used nominal classifier in classical Chinese. See TLS on the word for details. We take the meaning of this sentence to be very much like that of 舜有五臣 SHUN HAVE FIVE MINISTER which we have come to expect NOT to find, but which does occasionally occur.]