Проблемы китайского и общего языкознания. К 90-летию С. Е. Яхонтова

 535  A Summary of Classical Chinese Analytic Syntax...   nadN “denominal adjective” e. g. shèng dào 聖道 SAGE WAY “Way of a sage ” (cf. shèng 聖 “a sage”, nǚ dào 女道 WOMAN WAY “the Way of/for/appropriate for women ” and wáng dào 王道 KING WAY “the Way of/for/appropriate for a king ”). NB: Since the n in this construction cannot be negated, the criterion for its verbality ( bù 不 “not” versus f i 非 “is not”) is often problematic and sometimes even indeterminate. padN “grammaticalised adjective”, e. g. zhū hóu 諸侯 THE/VARI- OUS LORD “ the various feudal lords”. (Note that zhū 諸 counts as a particle because it cannot, in principle constitute the scope of a negation). VPadN “complex deverbal”, e. g. zūn guì zhī ch n 尊貴之臣 HON- OUR NOBLE GENITIVE/PART MINISTER “ honoured and noble minis- ters”. Thus what traditional grammar regards as adjectives is systematically subclassified in TLS. TLS tries to make explicit what exactly it is for an ex- pression to function adjectivally in a a given context: it is to have the relation “ ad ” to a nominal expression. Adverbs are taken to be de-verbal or de-nominal expressions which precede and modify or come after and modify verbal expressions: vadV (deverbal), e. g. shèn shàn 甚善 INTENSE GOOD “ very good” ( cf. shèn 甚 “be intense” ) vpostadV (deverbal, postposed), e. g. nù shèn 怒甚 ANGRY INTENSE “got very angry” nadV ( denominal), e. g. zhū rén lì 豬人立 PIG HUMAN>LIKE/A/ HUMAN STAND “the pig stood upright like a human ” ppostadV (grammaticalised postposed), e. g. shàn zāi 善哉 GOOG MODAL/PART “good!" Thus TLS explicates what exactly it is for an expression to be adverbial: it is to have the relation ad to a verbal expression. Thus what traditional grammar regards as adverbs is systematically sub- classified in TLS. TLS tries to make explicit make explicit what exactly it is for an expression to function adverbially in any given context: it is have the relation ad to a verbal expression. What exactly the relation ad covers, semantically, will have to be ex- plained in detail.