Проблемы китайского и общего языкознания. К 90-летию С. Е. Яхонтова

 534    Christoph Harbsmeier first attested in late classical Chinese, although it is current in modern Manda- rin. 2. Furthermore: the precise relation between KILL and DIE is not speci- fied — so far — in the system. In principle, the question of how many rela- tions one designates by specific symbols is a matter of convenience, not of theory. So far I have found it convenient to restrict the number of symbols as much as possible.] X@Y “X is a syntactic category to which the semantic category Y applies”, as in vadN@fig , e. g. shēn zhǐ 深旨 “ profound meaning”, where the literal meaning “deep” is taken in a derived figurative sense “deep > pro- found” and this use of the word is classified as vadN@fig . Figurative usages are then retrievable in the database by searching for the semantic category fig . Numbering of constituents The numbering as in S1 and S2 in a formula for a syntactic category is according to their occurrence in that formula and not in accordance with their occurrence in the analysed sentence itself. Thus in any formula S1 will precede S2 which in turn will precede S3 , just as N1 will precede N2 which in turn will precede N3 in all formulae, irrespective of the order of the oc- currence of these constituents in the sentences analysed. For perfectly trivial technical reasons of no interest whatsoever, v 1 has to be written v_1 , v 2 has to be written as v_2 . Comments, corrections, and complaints about this system of grammatical categories are always welcome! Be patient! Traditional Grammatical Categories Analysed and Subcategorised Current traditional syntactic concepts of school grammar or of conven- tional grammatical theories are analysed as follows in this analytic system. Adjectives are taken to be verbs, nouns, verb phrases or particles which modify nominal expressions: vadN “deverbal adjective”, e. g. měi r n 美人 BEAUTIFUL PERSON “ fair lady” (cf. m i 美 “be beautiful”). Since the v in this con- struction cannot be negated, the criterion for the verbality ( bù 不 versus f i 非 ) of such items is often problematic and sometimes even completely indeterminate.