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 533  A Summary of Classical Chinese Analytic Syntax...   in spite of the fact that one can probably do without it, because it illustrates the logic of the present system.) X=Y “X is in apposition to Y, i. e. X and Y have the same reference (or in the verbal case: meanings) and are coordinated”, as in n=Npr , e. g. shī Kuàng 師曠 MUSIC-MASTER KUANG “music master Kuàng”, and for verbs we might say we have cases of v_1=v_2 whenever the distinction in two conjoined verbs is neutralised, as probably in zūn guì zhī ch n 尊貴之臣 HONOUR NOBLE GENITIVE/PART MINISTER “ honoured and noble ministers”. [NB: This relation is logically but not necessarily idiomatically symmetrical: the order of the constituents may not in fact be free.] Xpost=Y “X is in apposition with a preceding Y”, as in NPpost=npro , e. g. yú yī rén 余一人 I ONE PERSON “I, the one person > I, the emperor”. X | Y “X is in alternative construction with a Y which it precedes”, as in v_1 | v_2 shàn 善 in sī lǜ shàn fǒu 思慮善否 THINK PLAN GOOD NOT “think about whether it is good or not ”. [NB: This relation is logically but not necessarily idiomatically symmetrical: the order of the constituents is often not in fact free.] Xpost | Y “X is in alternative construction with a Y which precedes it”, as in v_1 post | v_2 f u 否 in in sī lǜ shàn fǒu 思慮善否 THINK PLAN GOOD NOT “think about whether it is good or not ”. X&Y “X in addition to Y”, as in n_1&n_2 , e. g. yīn y ng 陰陽 YIN YANG “ Yin and Yang”. [NB: This relation is logically but not necessarily idi- omatically symmetrical: the order of the constituents is often not in fact free.] Xpost&Y “X in addition to the preceding Y”, as in n_1post&n_2 , e. g. yīn yáng 陰陽 YIN YANG “Yin and Yang ”. Grammatical relations that belong to none of these standard categories are designated as follows: X+Y “X precedes and is in construction with Y”, as in vt+N “tran- sitive verb in construction with a nominal (object)”, as in vt+N.+V w i 唯 “only” in wéi shèng r n 唯聖人 ONLY /SAGE PERSON “only a sage”. [NB: This is not treated as a verb object relation because shèng r n 聖人 SAGE HUMAN “sage” does not function like an object replaceable by the object pronoun zhī HER / IT/HIM 之 .] XpostY “X follows and is in construction with Y”, as in vpostV “verb that follows and is in construction with a V”, e. g. sǐ 死 “die” in sh sǐ 殺死 KILL DIE “kill”. [NB: 1. This construction sh sǐ 殺死 KILL DIE “kill” is