Проблемы китайского и общего языкознания. К 90-летию С. Е. Яхонтова

 532    Christoph Harbsmeier or non-head. [NB: the specific semantic relations between the head and the non-head are as varied in classical Chinese as they are in English. Compare, for example r n zhèng 人政 PERSON ADMINISTRATION “administration by (the agent) persons” f zhèng 法政 LAWADMINISTRATION “adminis- tration by (the means of) the law”; guó zhèng 國政 STATE ADMINISTRA- TION “administration of (the object) the state”. X(ad)Y “X precedes and non-restrictively modifies Y”, as in v(ad)N “verb non-restrictively modifying a noun” yú mín 愚民 STUPID PEOPLE “the people, who are (presupposed to be all) stupid ” X-Y “X precedes and is modified by Y” , as in vi-V , e. g. nù 怒 “be angry” in nù shèn 怒甚 ANGRY INTENSE “ be intensely angry ”. (Compare modern Chinese vi-V h o 好 which invites post-modification as in h ojíle 好 極了 “be very good”. On the other hand bù xíng 不行 “be not OK” does not allow such post-modification and is therefore not a VP-V XpostadY “X follows and modifies Y”, as in vpostadV “verb following and modifying a verb”, e. g. shèn 甚 “intensely” in nù shèn 怒甚 ANGRY IN- TENSE “be intensely angry” [NB: shèn 甚 “intensely”, unlike zuì 最 “most”, can both precede and come after what it modifies and can thus belong to the categories vadV as in shèn nù 甚怒 INTENSE ANGRY “be very angry” and vpostadV .] Xpost-Y “X follows after and is modified by Y”, as in npro.post-V “pronoun following and modified by a V”, e. g. zh 者 “he who” in sh r n zh 殺人者 KILL PERSON THE/SUBJECT/WHICH “ he who kills oth- ers” or npro.post-Npr K ngzǐ zh 孔子者 CONFUCIUS THE/SUBJECT/ WHICH “He who is Confucius”, or npro.post-N shèng r n zh 聖人者 SAGE PERSON THE/SUBJECT/WHICH “as for him who is a sage” [NB: in K ngzǐ zh 孔子者 “He who is Confucius” the preceding phrase K ngzǐ 孔 子 is nominal and predicative : “be Confucius”. Similarly, in shèng r n zh 聖人者 the shèng r n 聖人 is predicative: “be a sage”. So zh 者 is every- where glossable as “the subject which”, both when it is post-verbal (comes after a verbal expression) and when it is post-nominal (comes after a nominal expression).] XoY “X is transitive and precedes Y as its object”, as in vtoN “tran- sitive verb followed by its object”, e. g. sh 殺 “kill” in shā r n 殺人 KILL PERSON “have killed others”. XpostoY “X is transitive and is preceded by its object”, as in vtpostoN transitive verb preceded by its object”, e. g. y u 有 “have > exist” in wèi zhī y u 未之有 NEVER IT HAVE “it has never existed”. (I include this category