Проблемы китайского и общего языкознания. К 90-летию С. Е. Яхонтова

 531  A Summary of Classical Chinese Analytic Syntax...   Brackets: Lexicalised Versus Contextual Ellipsis Ellipsis of nominal and verbal expressions is recorded with brackets, and is subdivided into two kinds: lexically retrievable versus contextually retrie- vable. One might call omitted, understood, or implicit elements not syntactic constituents but y yì ch ngfèn 語義成分 “semantic constituents”. x[0] x which has an implicit omitted subject retrievable from the lexicon, as in vi[0] , e. g. the tricky tuì 退 WITHDRAW “[You] should go away > go away!” [NB: Imperatives are taken to have second person sub- jects, and it is found useful to record which verbs are currently used in the imperative mode. In certain cases what exactly is or is not retrievable from an (idealised) lexicon will remain controversial.] x(0) x which has an implicit omitted subject retrievable from the context, as in vi(0) , e. g. r n 然 BE-SO “(This) is so .” [NB: It is in the context that one finds out what is so. In certain cases the question what exactly is con- textual and what belongs in an (idealised) lexicon will remain controversial.] [x] x is implicit and omitted, but retrievable from the lexicon, as in vt[oN], e. g. f 發 ISSUE “shoot off [an arrow]” [NB: “Shoot off an arrow” is recognised in the lexicon as a meaning of f 發 . Compare the English “let fly” where the lexically retrievable omitted object is “intensely felt words.]” (x) x is implicit and omitted, but retrievable from context, as in vt(oN), e. g. shì 侍 “was in attendance (serving a person identifiable (retrie- vable) from the context)” Curly brackets “ {} ” after a syntactic category, as in NP{PRED} “nominal expression used predicatively” , are occasionally used to indicate a functional syntactic annotation relating to the category immediately preceding it. Syntactic Relations Syntactic relations in TLS specify first the syntactic category in question ( n, NP, v, VP, p, PP etc) and specifies thereafter the relation into which this constituent enters. TLS specifies the following syntactic relations between constituents X and Y: XadY “X precedes and modifies Y”, as in vadN “verb modifying a noun”, e. g. b i “white” in bái m 白馬 WHITE HORSE “ white horse”. In this construction Y is regarded as the head and X is regarded as the modifier