Проблемы китайского и общего языкознания. К 90-летию С. Е. Яхонтова

 530    Christoph Harbsmeier Xm mass/non-count X (noun), as in nm “not individually counted noun”, e. g. shuǐ 水 “water” (Note also xm — collective “collective mass noun” as in nm — collective , e. g. dí 狄 “barbarian”.) XP complex X, as in NP “complex N”, e. g. jūn zǐ 君子 “gentleman” Xpr proper X, as in npr “proper noun”, e. g. Y o 堯 “(Emperor) Yáo” Xpred predicative X, as in npred “predicative noun”, e. g. mǎ y 馬也 HORSE MODAL/PART “is a horse” [NB: the modal particle y 也 marks the non-narrative judgmental character of the predication and is not limited to nominal predicates. Compare Analects: 馬不進也 “It was that the horse would not move forwards! The use of nominal expressions in the predicative mode is common in classical Chinese, but it is by no means equally common for all nominal expressions.] Xpro pro-form of X (noun), as in npro “pronoun”, e. g. zhī 之 “her, it, him” [NB: Pronouns are often anaphoric, referring back to what was men- tioned before, sometimes cataphoric, referring to something that is about to be specified, or deictic, i. e. referring to something that is physically present in the context. Finally, a pronoun like zhī 之 “him, her, it, them etc” is par- ticularly common in a generic sense of “someone/something” where it is in fact not replaceable by any other noun.] Xt transitive X (verb), as in vt “verb which takes an object”, e. g. sh 殺 “kill” Xtt ditransitive X (verb), as in vtt “verb with two objects”, e. g. y 與 “give” X_2 double-subject X, as in vi_2 “intransitive verb with at least two subjects”, e. g. yì 異 "(they, X and Y) are different” X0 subjectless X (verb), as in vi0 “subjectless vi ”, e. g. xu 雪 SNOW “[[it]] snows” or yù xu 雨學 . [NB: Here the subject is not omitted or implicit, but rather logically absent: we have a feature- placing predicate xu 雪 SNOW “it snowed”. See Peter F. Strawson, Subject and Predicate : “feature-placing predicates”.] Note that monomorphemic binomes (i. e. those binomes whose constitu- ents cannot be assigned independent meaning by themselves) are represented as follows: vv “verbal monomorphemic binome” e. g. w iyí 逶迤 “wriggle” nn “nominal monomorphemic binome” e. g. pút o 葡萄 “wine” pp “grammaticalised monomorphemic binome” e. g. modern iy 哎呀 “oh!”