Проблемы китайского и общего языкознания. К 90-летию С. Е. Яхонтова

 529  A Summary of Classical Chinese Analytic Syntax...   fier nadV . (See the section on ad “precedes and modifies” in the section Syntactic Relations below on the way this is handled in the present system.) To the extent that both (de)verbal and (de)nominal construals of a modi- fier are equally possible and equally natural it is plausible to call such a modi- fier syntactically underdetermined in classical Chinese. Variables Abstracting from Complexity When a constituent referred to needs to be unspecified for being simple or complex i. e. monosyllabic or plurisyllabic, capitals are used: N “simple or complex nominal expression” as in vadN “verbal expres- sion preceding and modifying a nominal expression > deverbal adjectival expression”, where this adjectival expression is indifferent to the monosyl- labicity versus complexity of the nominal expression it modifies, this being either n or some complex NP . V “simple or complex verbal expression” as in vadV “verbal expression preceding and modifying a verbal expression > deverbal adverbial expres- sion” where this adverbial expression is indifferent to the monosyllabicity versus complexity of the verbal expression it modifies, this being either a v or some complex VP . Note: For example, transitive verbs are indifferent to the complexity or simplex nature of their objects so that we need to describe them neither as * vton nor as * vtoNP , but as vtoN . However, there would be nothing to pre- vent us from introducing vton to mark transitive verbs that take only mono- syllabic nominal objects if we come to find this category important in the future. Syntactic Features of Constituents A particle, a verbal expression, or a nominal expression X may have any of the following features: Abbreviation Formula                        Example Xab abstract X (noun), as in nab “abstract noun”, e. g. yì 義 “right- eousness” Xc count X (noun), as in nc “individually counted noun”, e. g. m 馬 “horse” Xi intransitive X (verb), as in vi “intransitive verb”, e. g. wò 卧 “sleep”