Проблемы китайского и общего языкознания. К 90-летию С. Е. Яхонтова

 493  The Eastern Himalayan Corridor in Prehistory   Zomia, the vast, topographically complex and ecologically diverse region of the eastern Himalayan highlands is likely to have been one of the primordial and pivotal cradles of ethnogenesis. As temperature and humidity increased after the Last Glacial Maximum, the Y chromosomal haplogroup O (M175) split up into the subclades O1 (M119), O2 (M268) and O3 (M122). The three subclades can be putatively assigned to three geographical loci along an east-west axis for the sake of ar- governments and bands of robbers and pirates: ‘Nous auons dit en premier lieu droit gouuernement, pour la difference qu’il y a entre les Republiques, & les troupes de vo- leurs & pirates… La ſouueraineté eſt la puiſſance abſoluë & perpetuelle…la puiſſance de donner loy à tous, & à chacun en particulier… Soubs ceſte meſme puiſſance de donner, & caſſer la loy, ſont compris touts les autres droicts, & marques de ſouueraineté: de ſorte qu’à parler proprement on peut dire qu’il n’y a que ceſte ſeule marque de ſouueraineté: attendu que touts les autres droicts ſont compris en ceſtui-là comme decerner la guerre, ou faire la paix…’ (1576: 1, 125, 197, 199). [Orwell 1949] predicted that governmental transgressions against the rights of the individual and infringements upon privacy and personal freedom would ultimately get worse. In the epilogue to his two-tome history on several millennia of transfers and cultural exchanges across the Indian Ocean, [Beaujard 2012] poses the timely question as to whether the current episode of globalisation under American hegemony can possibly culminate in a benign outcome. Figure 18. Geographical ranges for the possible domestication of ghaiy or upland rice, wet indica rice and the japonica cultivar, based on the geographical distribution of genetic markers in the wild precursor Oryza rufipogon based on [Londo et al. 2007]