Проблемы китайского и общего языкознания. К 90-летию С. Е. Яхонтова

 490  George van Driem   sake of reference and in tribute to Starosta, his reconstruction will be briefly recapitulated, though it differs from the view which will be presented here. Starosta envisaged the Proto-East-Asian ‘linkage’ or dialect continuum as having lain in the region laced by the Hàn, the Wèi and the central portion of the Yellow River in the period from 6500 to 6000 bc . He identified the Péilígăng and Císhān Neolithic assemblages with East Asian, and he envisaged the linguistic ancestors of the Austronesians as the first group to have split off. He saw the Proto- Austronesians spreading to the coast and then down the eastern seaboard to establish the Hémŭdù and Dàwènkŏu Neolithic cultures of 5000 bc , ultimately to cross over to Formosa. Figure 15. Geographical distribution of Austroasiatic Figure 16. The phylogeny of Austroasiatic linguistic phylum [Diffloth 2009, 2012]