Проблемы китайского и общего языкознания. К 90-летию С. Е. Яхонтова

 462    Christopher I. Beckwith Reconstructed Pai-lang Rhymes ma ʔ či da ʔ l / jew or: ma ʔ či da ʔ l / jew l / ja n ra ʔ sa n ri n l / ja n ra ʔ sa n ri n ma ʔ dri kra ʔ dzwi n ma ʔ dri kjoʔ dzwi n Appendix C: Song no. 2 End-rhymes 遠夷慕德歌詩 The Distant Foreigners Revere Virtue End-rhyme Pattern: a bb cc dd ee a ff cc 1 Pai-lang text End-rhyme Chinese translation 1. 僂讓支尼 * ni 蠻夷所處 2. 且交陵悟 * ŋa 日入之部 3. 繩動隨旅 * rja 慕義向化 4. 路且揀雒 * r / laʔ 歸日出主 5. 聖德渡諾 * nraʔ 聖德深恩 6. 魏菌度洗 * sar 與人富厚 7. 綜邪流籓 * par 冬多霜雪 8. 莋邪尋螺 * r / laj 夏多和雨 9. 藐潯滬漓 * r / laj 寒溫時適 10. 菌補邪推 * t h wi 部人多有 11. 辟危歸險 * kẽw 涉危歷險 12. 莫受萬柳 * r / lew 不遠萬里 13. 術疊附德 * taʔ 去俗歸德 14. 仍路孳摸 * maʔ 心歸慈母 1 The first and tenth lines, the only ones with a distant rhyme (rhyme a ), are the two lines that explicitly refer to the Pai-lang petitioners. The poet has deliberately highlighted them poetically by making them stand out distinctly from the couplets.