Проблемы китайского и общего языкознания. К 90-летию С. Е. Яхонтова

 456    Christopher I. Beckwith Appendix A: Pai-lang Song no. 1 遠夷樂德歌詩 The Distant Foreigners Rejoice in Virtue 1 Pai-lang Reconstructed Pai-lang Chinese 1. 堤官隗構 ti kar (ŋ)wi kew 大漢是治 The great Han is in good order 2. 魏冒逾糟 ŋwi mew (l)jo tsew 與天合意 Its intentions are in accord with Heaven 3. 罔驛劉脾 ma n l / jaʔ r/lew bi 吏譯平端 The officials and translators are just (‘even’) and upright 4. 旁莫支留 pa n maʔ či r / lew 不從我來 They did not force us to come 5. 徵衣隨旅 tra i zwi r / la 聞風向化 Having heard about their customs and turned to civilization 6. 知唐桑艾 či da n sa n ŋi 所見奇異 What we have seen is marvellous 7. 邪毗堪䋠 z / ja bi k h ẽw pa 多賜繒布 They have given us much silk cloth 8. 推潭僕遠 t h wi dẽw bo ʔ war 甘美酒食 Sweet and beautiful liquor and food 9. 拓拒蘇便 t h aʔ gjo sa bjar 昌樂肉飛 In splendid enjoyment we are happy (‘the flesh flies’) 10. 局後仍離 gjoʔ go nji n r / li 屈申悉備 Whether reclining or proceeding (‘bending or stretching’), all is provided for us 11. 僂讓龍洞 ( r ) lo nra n r / l w d w 蠻夷貧薄 We Lo people are poor (‘poor and thin’) 1 My translation of the Chinese basically follows [Coblin 1979: 182]: “The great Han is in good order, /together with Heaven it unites its intention. /The officials and translators are just and upright,/they did not, pursuing us, cause us to come. /Having heard the (winds=) customs and faced towards the (changes=) civilizing influences,/what we have seen is (strange, extraordinary=) wonderful. /They have manifoldly given us silk cloth /and sweet and (beautiful=) fine wine and food. /In splendid happiness (our flesh flies=) we are elated; /whether we are (bending=) declining or (stretching out=) advancing, in all cases we are provided for. /We, the barbarians, being poor and (thin=) impoverished, /have nothing to give in repayment. /We wish for the ruler longevity/and that his sons and grandsons shall be splendid and glorious.”