Ближний Восток и его соседи

g 37 h Professor Nikolay Dyakov: A Biographical Note Arabic Literature. Ed. Günther S., Milich S. / Arabistische und Islamwissen- schaftliche Texte und Studien. Studien. Band 20. Hildesheim, 2016. P. 43–52. Al-Andalus on the Eve of the 20th Century: ANostalgic View of a Learned Egyptian // Festschrift for Anna A. Dolinina’s 90-s Anniversary. St Petersburg, 2016. С. 269–287. Traditional Religious Institutions in the Colonial Policy of France in Ma- gribe at the end of 19 — early 20 Century // Power and Violence in Non-West- ern Societies. Conference Proceedings. Moscow, 2016. P. 228–244. (In Rus- sian). Eugène Delacroix (1798–1863): A Portrait against the Backdrop of Pre- colonial Maghrib // Arab Routes in the Asian Context St Petersburg, 2013. P. 420–437. (In Russian). Pages from the History of Russian Oriental Studies: Сorrespondence of Victor Rozen, Vladimir Barthold, Vladimir Minorsky // Transactions of the Institute of Oriental Studies (Moscow). № 17. 2018. P. 65–84. (Co-author). (In Russian). “Decoration of Russian Oriental Studies”: Letters of Vladimir Barthold and Agafangel Krymsky from the Archives of Ukraine // Proceedings of the XXX Congress on HSSAA: On the Occasion of the 150thAnniversary ofAcad- emician Vasily V. Barthold (1869–1930). Ed. Nikolay N. Dyakov, Alexander S. Matveev. St Petersburg, 2013. P. 17–41. (Co-author). (In Russian). Al-Tahir al-Haddad. On the State of Woman in the Shari‘a and Society // Islam in the Modern World . № 2. 2021. С. 163–174. (In Russian). Islam in the Colonial Policy of France: from the Beginnings to the Fifth Republic // On-line Journal ‘History’ . Т. 12. № 5(103). 2021. (In Russian). Socio-Cultural Anthropology of the Peoples of Asia and Africa in the Ori- ental Studies Discourse // St Petersburg University Courier: Asian and African Studies. Vol. 13. № 3. 2021. P. 312–330. (Co-author). (In Russian). Charismatic Leaders in the Traditional Society of the Peoples of the Middle East and North Africa // Proceedings of the XXXI Congress on History and Source Studies of Asia and Africa. St Petersburg, 2022. P. 343–361. (Co-author). (In Russian).