Ближний Восток и его соседи
g 36 h Professor Nikolay Dyakov: A Biographical Note Al-Andalus y el Iraq: Viajes e intercambios culturales durante los siglos X–XIII // Entre Oriente y Occidente. Ciudades y viajeros en la edad media. Universidad de Granada. 2005. Documents on the History of the Russian-Arabian Relations in the 19th — 1st Half of the 20th Century // Al-Watheekah . Historical Documents Center. The Kingdom of Bahrain. No. 52. July 2007/ Gomada II, 1428 H. Sheikh at-Tantawi (1810–1861) — Professor of Oriental Studies at the University of St Petersburg and his Collection of Manuscripts // 24th Congress of the UEAI. Leipzig, September 24–28, 2008. Ahmad Zaki Pasha — a “Sheikh of Arabism” and his letters from Al- Andalus (1893) // Abstracts. 25th Congress of the UEAI, Naples, 2010. “Kitab ar-Rihla” in the age of “an-Nahda”: Egyptian Scholars on Europe and Russia in the 19th Century (R. Tahtawi, M. Tantawi, A. Zaki) // Visions of Homeland in Modern Arabic Literature. Georg-August University of Goet- tingen, 2011. IslamicMysticism in NorthernAfrica: Spiritual Legacy of Shadhiliya // 26th Congress. Union Européenne des Arabisants et Islamisants (UEAI 26). Uni- versity of Basel, September 12–16, 2012. In Memoriam. Bicentenary of Shaikh at-Tantawi (1810–1861): professor of Oriental Studies at the University of St Petersburg // St PetersburgAnnual of Asian and African Studies. Vol. I. 2012. Wuerzburg: Ergon Verlag. P. 205–211. Islamic Mysticism in Northern Africa: Spiritual Legacy of Shadhiliya // 26th Congress. Union Européenne des Arabisants et Islamisants (UEAI 26). University of Basel, September 12–16, 2012. Oriental Studies and History: The Middle East // Theories in the Mo- dern Oriental Studies / Ed. E. Zelenev, V. Kasevich. SPb., 2013. P. 110–125. (In Russian). The Middle East in the System of Regional and Global Security: History and Modernity // Actual Problems of the Regional Security. St Petersburg, 2013. P. 581–601. (In Russian). History of Islam in the Research Papers of the Faculty of Oriental Lan- guages // Islam in Russia. Conference Proceedings. St Petersburg, 2013. P. 44– 51. (In Russian). Lisan al-Din al-Khatib (1313–1374) in the History and Historiography of Muslim West (Al-Andalus and Maghrib) // St Petersburg University Courier: Asian and African Studies . № 1. 2015. P. 30–42. (In Russian). Travelogues in the Age of the Nahḍa: 19th century Egyptian Scholars on Europe and Russia // Representations and Visions of Homeland in Modern
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