Ближний Восток и его соседи

g 10 h Tabula Gratulatoria Sergei Andreyev, D Phil (Oxon), Fellow of the Royal Asiatic Society; President of Consociatio Eruditorum Studiis Afganologicis Internationalibus, St Petersburg, Russia Vassilios Christides, PhD, Professor of Near Eastern Studies, Director of the Insti- tute for Graeco-Oriental and African Studies (IGOAS), Athens, Greece Vicky Christides, Institute for Graeco-Oriental and African Studies (IGOAS), Athens, Greece Alexander Knysh, Professor of Islamic Studies, The University of Michigan, De- partment of Middle East Studies, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA; executive editor of Encyclopedia of Islamic Mysticism, section editor for “Sufism,” Encyclopedia of Islam, 3rd Ed., editor in chief of Handbooks of Sufi Studies series (E. J. Brill); руководитель Научной лаборатории по анализу и моделированию социаль- ных процессов, СПбГУ. Dimitrios Letsios, PhD, Ambassador, a.h., Member of the Board of Directors, Uni- versity of Peloponnese, Greece Firuza Melville, PhD, Head of the Centre for Persian Studies, Pembroke College, University of Cambridge; Fellow of the Royal Asiatic Society, Cambridge, UK David Nicolle, PhD, Honorary Research Fellow, Nottingham University, UK Magda El-Nowieemy, PhD, Professor of Graeco-Roman Studies, Faculty of Arts, University of Alexandria, Alexandria, Egypt