Ассириология и египтология: в Санкт-Петербургском государственном университете
160 Singer I. The Calm before the Storm: Selected writings of Itamar Singer on the End of the Late Bronze Age in Anatolia and the Levant. Atlanta, 2011. The El-Amarna correspondence: a new edition of the cuneiform letters from the site of El-Amarna based on collations of all extant tablets / Collated, transcr. and transl.: A.F.Rainey (Z”L). Ed.: W.M.Scheidewind, Z.Cochavi-Rainey. Leiden-Boston, 2015. Watson W.G.E., Wyatt N . (eds). Handbook of Ugaritic Studies. Leiden: Brill, 1999. Weninger S . The Semitic Languages: An International Handbook. Berlin, Boston, 2012.
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