Ассириология и египтология: в Санкт-Петербургском государственном университете

12 BA FULL-TIME COURSE (four academic years: semester 1-8) ASSYRIOLOGY M ain disciplines Introduction to ANE studies Akkadian  Basic Akkadian / Semester 1  Literary and historical texts of the first millenium BC / Semester 2-4  Old Babylonian letters and documents / Semester 3-6  Middle Babylonian letters and Kudurru-inscriptions / Semester 5-6  Old Assyrian letters and documents / Semester 7-8  Middle Assyrian sources / Semester 7-8  Sargon II’s eighth campaign against Urartu / Semester 7-8 Sumerian  Selected Sumerian foundation inscriptions / Semester 3-4  Inscriptions of Gudea’s statues / Semester 5-6  Selected Old Sumerian Inscriptions / Semester 5-6  Cones of Enmetena / Semester 7-8  Code of Urukagina / Semester 7-8 History of Ancient Mesopotamia Geography of the ANE Ethnography and Culture of Ancient Mesopotamia Sumerian and Akkadian literature E lective disciplines Cuneiform paleography Art of Mesopotamia The Eastern Mediterranean in early antiquity Introduction to Middle East Archaeology Evolution of authorities in the history of Mesopotamian civilization