Международная научная конференция ЮВА в СПбГУ-65

Международная научная конференция, посвященная 65-й годовщине начала изучения языков ЮВА в нашей стране 378 Nguyen Huu Phuc As analyzed above, the Dutch government also implemented a “dual education” policy to divide the Indonesian and Chinese communities with Eurasian crossbred. Compared to the British, the Dutch “dual education” policy was not much different, also established two educational systems, namely indigenous education and Western model. “The native schools was conducted with the local vernacular as the language for instruction and Dutch oriented schools was operated with Dutch as the language for instruction”  1 . Initially, the Dutch educational policy was to establish in Indonesia a common education for aristocracy and peasantry. Because the nobility “felt their ancient privileges were violated when they were mixed with commoners in school”  2 . This was the basis for the Dutch to change their educational policy in 1893, with the construction of First Class school and Second Class school dedicated to all walks of life in Indonesian society. Right from the time of Indonesian colonial rule, the Dutch colonists paid attention to the bureaucracy, indigenous nobility. Therefore, colonial government always had more priority for the upper class in recruiting into the civil apparatus than the peasantry. Attached to the importance, the Dutch government designed a Western-style curriculum for the aristocracy of Indonesia, complete with high-quality education, specialized vocational schools and Dutch language used in the curriculum. As for the peasantry, education only focuses on helping learners to read, write, calculate and master manual labor skills. Therefore, indigenous education stops at primary and vocational levels, but students do not have the opportunity to attend higher levels. If a farmer wants to access the higher levels of Dutch education and wants to move on the path of “fame” like the aristocracy, after completing the program at secondary school or village school, through a 5-year training course at the Associate 1 Soewandi Ronodidjojo (1968), A study occupational education in Indonesia , India University, p. 29. 2 WillyRothrock (1975), The development of Dutch—Indonesia primary Schooling: A study in Colonial education , The University of Alberta, p. 47