Международная научная конференция ЮВА в СПбГУ-65
Международная научная конференция, посвященная 65-й годовщине начала изучения языков ЮВА в нашей стране British Educational Policy in Malaysia and The Netherlands in Indonesia... 375 than before, in order to train the best teachers, 6 pedagogical colleges were founded between 1873 and 1879. Not only has the number of teacher training schools increased, but “the number of public primary schools expanded: in Java the Madura from 82 in 1873 to 193 in 1883, and in all other islands from 117 to 284. The number of pupils and number of teaching staff in Java and Madura increased regardless of ethnic background, respectively from 5,512 to 16,214 and from 223 to 582” 1 . Although the Dutch attempted to promote education in colonial Indonesia to meet the need for governance, the results were not expected. Therefore, in 1893 and 1901, the Dutch government enacted two educational reforms to improve quality and ensure the effectiveness of colonial colonization and colonization according to the situation at the time. The central content of the first educational reform (1893) was that “ the new Dutch had just opened two systems of junior high schools, specifically for indigenous people: One was a first-class, specialized school for the children of the aristocracy, mandarins (Priyayi) and the second class Local School to teach children of different classes, mainly to poor rural and urban people” 2 . By 1901, when the Dutch government issued the “NewWay” or “The Ethical Policy,” education was “ a means, an effort to return to the indigenous people for the losses 3 they have suffered from their harsh rule of rule ” 4 .Accordingly, the Dutch government has completely developed the education system with all levels of primary , secondary and tertiary vocational education. The 1 Agus Suwignyo (2012), The Breach in the Dike: Regime change and the stan- dardization of public primary — school teacher training in Indonesia (1893–1969) : Universiteit Leiden, tr. 52. 2 Tran Khanh (editor) (2012), Southeast Asia History, Vol. IV, Social Sciences Publishing House: Hanoi, p. 247. 3 To revive the economy, the Dutch colonialists carried out many new exploiting tactics such as issuing compulsory military service and draft for indigenous people, especially applying the “cultivation regime”. With these brutal policies, Indonesia has had many changes, unemployment and famine are rampant, more than half a million people starve to death. 4 Nguyen Huu Phuc (2018), Dutch education reform in colonial Indonesia (1893– 1901), Journal of Science & Education University of Education, Hue University, No. 2, p. 82.
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