Международная научная конференция ЮВА в СПбГУ-65

Международная научная конференция, посвященная 65-й годовщине начала изучения языков ЮВА в нашей стране 374 Nguyen Huu Phuc educationwas directly controlled byChristian clergy. It is entirely different from the colonial education in Malaysia and Indonesia, not based on missionary purposes and founded and implemented directly by the colonial British and Dutch governments. 1876 was considered an important milestone for Malaysian education when the Strait Settlement (SS)  1 used its political power to introduce new educational policies for Malaysia. From here, the education situation inMalaysia has made great strides, first in the fact that education policies have been more clearly planned through the Committees of Education and the Education Laws are issued. One of the laws on education which has a significant effect on Malaysia is the Malaysian law on education enacted by the British government in 1899. The code had been in force for almost 20 years, until it was revised in 1908. By the end of the nineteenth century to the beginning of the twentieth century, when expanding its influence on Malaysian boards, the British colonial government became increasingly aware of the importance of education to colonial exploitation. In an effort to restructure English- oriented education, British policy provided the basis for a clear shift in education in colonial Malaysia. In Indonesia, the Dutch colonial government was interested in the development of education here very early, specifically in 1818, through the Dutch Indian Basic Law, which said: “it was the duty of the government to provide educational facilities for indigenous as well as European children”  2 . By 1848, after reaching an agreement with the Batavia government, a royal decree was passed. The Dutch government must provide the governor with an sum of 25,000 guides to set up human resource training schools for the colonial government system according to the decree. The Dutch government released an educational decree to complete the colonial training program, which stressed the development of public education both in Java and some other Indonesian islands. Beginning from this stage, the teachers' training became more oriented 1 Straits Settlements (SS) includes Wellesley province (including Penang Island, Kadah coastal area and Naning land), Malacca state, Singapore island. 2 Christiaan Lambert Maria Penders (1968), Colonial education policy and practice in Indonesia: 1900–1942 , Th. D Thesis: Australian Nationl University, tr. 7.