Международная научная конференция ЮВА в СПбГУ-65

Международная научная конференция, посвященная 65-й годовщине начала изучения языков ЮВА в нашей стране British Educational Policy in Malaysia and The Netherlands in Indonesia... 371 key to achieving that goal is to discourage native-language education, but instead impose colonial-language education on administrative and commercial transactions. And “with the policy of discouraging indigenous language learning, the need for work has drawn a part of indigenous people, mainly upper-class children to Western schools”  1 . Thus, during the colonial rule, along with the consolidation of administrative regimes and the enhancement of colonial exploitation, the British and Dutch colonial governments stepped up the implementation of the education policy towards colony. The colonial government saw the educational front as a major tool in achieving its goal of cultural assimilation and supporting colonial policies. 2. Education was deeply influenced by the divided and conquered policies of British and Dutch colonists. The main aim of British and Dutch colonization was to control colonies, convert them into a market for supplying raw materials, labor and consumption of the nation's consumer goods. With the advancement of science, technology, military and maritime transport since the second half of the nineteenth century, they has intensified the process of annexing not only inland but also deep regions. All jobs such as setting up administrative structures, implementing cultural policies, schooling, etc. are also mainly designed to raise income and enrich the colonial government. To be able to exploit the colony effectively, in addition to applying feudal exploitation such as paying land taxes, harvest tax, ... the British and Dutch colonists also pursued a policy of division and rule. Therefore, the implementation of education policy in the colonies was not outside the control of this policy. With the influence of that policy, from the outset, Malaysian education designed by the British emphasized adaptability to each “ ethnic group and their respective group and to the political role as well as the distinct economic status of each group in the structure of colonial society. British 1 Tran Khanh (2012), Southeast Asia History , Volume IV, Social Sciences Publishing House: Hanoi, p. 240.