Международная научная конференция ЮВА в СПбГУ-65

Международная научная конференция, посвященная 65-й годовщине начала изучения языков ЮВА в нашей стране Le Thi Qui Duc (University of Education, Hue University, Vietnam, lequiduc.his.sp@gmail.com) RELIGIOUS FACTOR IN THE TRADITIONAL EDUCATIONS IN SOUTHEAST ASIAN COUNTRIES: STUDY THE CASES OF VIETNAM, MALAYA AND BURMA Abstract: Before facing the aggression and domination of Western colonialism, countries in Southeast Asia underwent the period of formation and development of feudal regimes. Under those regimes, all of the rulers chose a certain religion to support the monarchy. Because of this important position and its advantages, religion has had a great influence on every aspect of social life in Southeast Asian countries, including education. By using a historical approach based on the methods of synthesis, analysis and comparison, the article shows the mark of religious factor in traditional educations in Southeast Asian countries: Vietnam, Malaya and Burma. In particular, the article focuses on analyzing the influence of religions in the components of those traditional educations. At the same time, the research also highlight the positive impacts as well as the problems that exist of these religiously- based educations for the development process of the above-mentioned Southeast Asian countries in history. Keywords: religion, traditional education, Southeast Asia, Vietnam, Malaya, Burma.