Международная научная конференция ЮВА в СПбГУ-65

Международная научная конференция, посвященная 65-й годовщине начала изучения языков ЮВА в нашей стране Глаголы с префиксом ma- в балийском языке 193 7. Tuttle Concise Balinese Dictionary: Balinese-Indonesian-English English- Balinese-Indonesian I Gusti Made Sutjaja 2013 p. Литература 1. Bethwyn E., MalcolmR. The history of Proto-Oceanic *ma- // Oceanic Lin- guistics. Vol. 40. No.2. December 2001. University of Hawai’I Press. P. 269–290. 2. Kardana I Nyoman, Satyawati Made Sri Morphosyntax of Balinese Reciprocal Construction // Internasional Journal of Linguistic. Vol. 6. No. 3. 2014. P. 168–180 (режим доступа: www.macrothink.org/ijl ). 3. Kardana I Nyoman Struktur Verba dan Tipe medial tindakan bahasa Bali // Linguistika Wahana Pengembang Cakrawala Linguistik. Vol. 16. No. 31. 2009. 4. Shibatani Masayoshi,Artawa Ketut The Middle Voice in Balinese // SEALS XIII The Australian National University, 2003. P. 239–261. 5. Shibatani Masayoshi, Artawa Ketut Balinese valency classes // Valency classes in the world’s languages. Vol. 2 Case Studies fromAustronesia, the Pasific, the Americas, and Theoretical Outlook / ed. Malchukov A., Comrie B. Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG, 2015. P. 877–940. S. G. Kramarova (Saint-Petersburg State University, Saint-Petersburg, svetkram@mail.ru ) BALINESE PREFIXED MA- VERBS Abstract: This article concerns the balinese verbs with the prefix ma-. Balinese and some other Malay-Polinesian languages still have this prefix while others don't have. The aim of this article is to represent prefixed ma- verb formation. 14 meanings of this prefix were found with two of them, resultative and possessive as the most used ones. Keywords: Balinese, prefix ma-, resultative, possessive.