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68 История, география правительств Запада, главным образом США, на международной арене. Ключевые слова : американские военнопленные, британские военнопленные, Корейская война, движение за мир, лагеря воен- нопленных, китайские народные добровольцы, Северная Корея. American and British POWs in North Korea: A History of Peace Movement During the Korean War (1950–1953) N. N. Kim Abstract . During the KoreanWar (1950–1953), thousands of American and British soldiers and officers were captured and missing in action. With the beginning of armistice negotiations in the summer of 1951, the commands of the KPA and the Chinese People’s Volunteers initiated the creation of peace committees, which united in the U. S.-British War Prisoner’s Peace Organization (WPPO). The WPPO aimed at promoting the idea of peace and ending the war among the war prisoners of the UN forces and their subsequent re-education in defense of the interests of the DPRK and the PRC both in wartime and in peacetime. The administration of POW camps implemented a lenient treatment policy towards prisoners of war, implying that the latter were deceived by their imperialist governments and sent to Korea by deceit. Therefore, it was necessary to train and reeducate them in order to discover the truth about the Korean War. The peace committees performed an educational function in the camps, as evidenced by the WPPO’s materials. The article systematizes data on American and British prisoners of war and conditions of their state in the POW camps in North Korea. As a result of the study, based on the materials of the peace committees, the paper shows that their activities were unequivocally propagandistic and were part of a large-scale campaign of the Soviet Bloc in support of peace and, at the same time, with the aim of discrediting Western governments, mainly the U. S., in the international arena. Keywords : American POWs, British POWs, Korean War, peace movement, POW camps, Chinese people’s volunteers, North Korea