Африканистика в России: прошлое и настоящее

91  Р. П. Ильина, А. Ю. Москвитина (Сиим). Архив Д. А. Ольдерогге...  Рис. 14 и 15. Вырезка из музейного каталога с пометкой-вопросом о локализации Dmitriy Alekseevich Olderogge Archive at the Department of African Ethnography, MAE RAS: An Experience of Description and Classification Abstract: The article is dedicated to the description of the home archive of Dmitriy Alekseevich Olderogge in MAE RAS. It focuses on the classi- fication, identification and systematization of the documents and papers represented and gives a review of sketches and drawings which are an important part of the archive. Keywords: Dmitriy Alekseevich Olderogge, biography, archive, docu- ments, sketches, MAE RAS, African collections.