Африканистика в России: прошлое и настоящее

50   Дмитрий Алексеевич Ольдерогге 20. Gizenga Arrest Protests. Moscow TASS in English to Europe 1958 GMT 26 January 1962 //Daily Report. ForeignRadio Broadcasts. 29 January 1962, № 20. P. 16–17. 21. Jesman Cz. Ruanda andUrundi. The Belgian Trusteeship Territory // The Tablet, 30 July 1960. P. 718. 22. Jesman Cz. The Red and the Black // Crossbow, 1959, Vol. 3, № 13. P. 41–47. 23. Morison D. African Studies in the Soviet Union // The Russian Review, 1963, Vol. 22, № 3. P. 301–314. 24. Olderogge D. Survivals of the Throwing-Knife in Darfur // Man, 1934, № 34. P.106–107. 25. PeterWorsley: ALife 1989, Interviewed by AlanMacfarlane, filmed by Sarah Harrison, at his home on 25th February 1989, using a video 8 camera. [Later additions in 2004 by Peter Worsley in square brackets, and in notes at the end] (https://www.repository.cam.ac.uk/bitstream/handle/1810/279/ Peter_Worsley.doc). 26. White S. A Study of Northern Throwing Knives // NigeriaMagazine, 1954, № 44. P. 363–368. 27. Wittfogel K. A. Oriental Despotism: A Comparative Study of Total Power, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1957. 28. Worsley P. M. Nigeria Quarterly (рецензия) // Rhodes-Livingstone Journal, 1957, № 21. P. 87–88. D. A. Olderogge and Scholarly Discussions in the Cold War Era Abstract: The article examines some scientific discussions of the Cold War era associated with the name of D. A. Olderogge. Specific attitude of Western authors to D. A. Olderogge in the context of the struggle against the alleged communist threat and Russian, or Soviet, penetration into Africa is demonstrated. Particular attention is paid to the discussion with the participation of D. A. Olderogge at the VII International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnographic Sciences (1964). Keywords: D. A. Olderogge, scholarly discussions, the Cold War, anti- communism, the struggle for Africa.