Африканистика в России: прошлое и настоящее

341  Сведения об авторах  Сontributors Alexander S. Balezin — Dr. Habil. (History), Professor, Principal Researcher of the Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences. E-mail: alex.balezin@yandex.ru Apollon B. Davidson —Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of History, Professor, Director of the Center for African Studies of the Institute of World of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor of the Department of History of Ideas and Methodology of Historical Science, Faculty of History, Higher School of Economics. E-mail: adavidson@yandex.ru Nikolay A. Dobronravin — Dr. Habil. (Philology/African Studies), Pro- fessor, Department of World Politics, Faculty of International Relations, St. Petersburg State University (Russia, St. Petersburg) E-mail: n.dobronravin@spbu.ru Aida R. Fattakhova —PhD (Philology), Associate Professor, Department of Oriental, African and Islamic Studies, Institute of International Relations, Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, Russia, Kazan. E-mail: gaidaf@mail.ru Irina I. Filatova — Dr. Habil. (History), Professor Emeritus of Dur- ban-Westville University, University of KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa), Professor of HSE — Higher School of Economics (Moscow). E-mail: ifil1805@gmail.com Tatiana M. Gavristova — Dr. Habil. (History), Head of Laboratory of African Studies and Oriental Studies, Department of General History, Yaroslavl State University named after P. G. Demidov. Е-mail: tanja1994@mail.ru