Африканистика в России: прошлое и настоящее
297 Т. М. Константинова. Легенда о царице Савской... 20. ክብረ ነገስት ግእዝና አማርኛ // Ethiopian orthodox URL: http://ethio pianorthodox.org/amharic/holybooks/kibrenegestgeezamharicc.pdf (дата обращения 20.05.2021). 21. የኢትዮጵያ ሕግመንግስት // Wikipedia URL: https://am.m.wikipedia.org/ wiki/ የኢትዮጵያ_ሕገ_መንግስት (дата обращения 10.05. 2021). Источники. Опись коллекции МАЭ РАН. МАЭ РАН. Опись коллекции МАЭ РАН№ 2594. Сокращения МАЭ РАН — Музей Антропологии и Этнографии Российской Академии Наук The Legend of the Queen of Sheba: Representation in Ethiopian Fine Arts (Based on Museum Collections) Abstract: This article examines the pictorial representation of the image of the Queen of Sheba. In the Ethiopian version Makeda is considered the mother of the founder of the Solomonic dynasty. The pictorial image is based on twomain literary sources: Kebra Negast and the folklore version of the Tigray people. The article explores in detail the relationship between the literary version of the legend and its subsequent depictions. In addition to being illustrative of literary works, the images are also a product in their own right. Artists develop the story of legends by inventing alternative plots. The main purpose of this work is to analyse the images portraying the Queen of Sheba of the Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera) of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and of the collection of Ebba Dettenberg-Wedding at the Gottorp Museum in Schleswig, from which the compositional, narrative and iconographic features of the paintings can be traced. These works have a great cultural value, which leads to scientific interest in the subject. The images of this type are worth paying attention to because they clearly demonstrate the identity of Ethiopian culture as well as conveying ethnographic details. Keywords: Queen of Sheba, Ethiopia, MAE, painting, Kebra Negast, XX cent.
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