Африканистика в России: прошлое и настоящее

274   Африканские коллекции 2. Бутовская М., Мабулла А. Процессы социальной трансфор- мации среди хадза северной Танзании (по материалам комплексного антропологического исследования) / Opus. Вып. 6. 2008. С. 121–140. 3. Бутовская М. Л., Драмбян М. И., Буркова В. Н., Дронова Д. А. Почему Хадза Танзании продолжают в наши дни заниматься охотой и собирательством? / Полевые исследования Института Этнологии и Антропологии 2006. Ин-т этнологии и антропологии Н. Н. Миклу- хо-Маклая РАН. М.: Наука, 2009. С. 38–62. 4. Старостин Г. С. К вопросу о генетической принадлежно- сти языка хадза. // Африканский сборник 2007. СПб.: Наука, 2008. С. 262–278. 5. Greenberg J. H. The languages of Africa. Bloomington: Indiana University, 1963. 6. Shriner D., Tekola-Ayele F., Adebowale Adeyemo, Rotimi C. N. Genetic Ancestry of Hadza and Sandawe Peoples Reveals Ancient Population Structure in Africa // Genome Biology and Evolution, Volume 10, Issue 3, 2018, p. 875–882. URL: https://academic.oup.com/gbe/ article/10/3/875/4935243 (дата обращения 10.03.2023). On Expeditionary Trip to the Area of Lake Eyasi (Tanzania): Photo and Video Materials and Replenishment of MAE RAS Collection ABSTRACT : The article focuses on an expeditionary trip to the Lake Eyasi area (Northern Tanzania) to the area of residence of a group of Hadzapi hunter gatherers (the last such, group preserved in Tanzania), as well as the Datoga ethnic group, whosemain activity is cattle breeding, and who are in long-term socio-cultural interaction withHadzapi. During the trip, it was possible to observe various areas of their daily activities with the fixation of photo and video materials, the fixation of original narratives in the Hadza language, as well as purchase several local artifacts for the collection of the MAE RAS. The article provides a description of the expedition trip, a brief overview of the cultural characteristics of the region, samples of photographic materials and imported artifacts. Keywords: Lake Eyasi, Hadzapi, Datoga, photographicmaterials, artifacts.