Очерки по истории Южной Месопотамии эпохи ранней древности

Очерки по истории Южной Месопотамии эпохи ранней древности 522 prof. — профессия/должность. RG — Répertoire Géographique des Textes Cunéiformes. Wiesbaden, 1977 ff. RIM — Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia. Toronto. RIMA — Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia. Assyrian Periods. Toronto, 1997 ff. RIMA 1 — Grayson K. A. Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia. Assyrian Periods. Vol. 1. Assyrian Rulers 3 rd and 2 nd Millennia BC (to 1115 BC). Toronto, 1996. RIME — Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia. Early Periods. Toronto, 1990 ff. RIME 2 — Frayne D. Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia. Vol. 2. Sargonic and Gutian Periods. Toronto, 1983. RIME 3 — Frayne D. Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia. Early Periods. Vol. 3. Ur III Period (2112‒2004 BC). Toronto, 1997. RIME 3/1 — Edzard D. O. Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia. Early Periods. Vol. 3/1. Gudea and His Dynasty. Toronto, 1997. RIME 4 — Frayne D. Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia. Early Periods. Vol. 4. Old Babylonian Period (2003‒1595 BC). Toronto, 1990. RLA — Reallexicon der Assyriologie und Vorderasiatischen Archäologie. Berlin; Leipzig; New York. RN — royal name. SANE — Sources of the Ancient Near East. Los Angeles; Malibu, 1974 ff. SAOC — Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization. Chicago. SAOC 63 — Beyond the Ubeid. Transformation and Integration in the Late Prehistoric Societies of the Middle East / R. A. Carter, G. Philip (eds). Chicago, 2010. SARI I — Cooper J. S . Sumerian and Akkadian Royal Inscriptions. I. Presargonic Inscriptions. New Haven, Connecticut, 1986. TCL — Textes cunéiformes. Musée du Louvre. Paris. TCL 10‒11 — Jean Ch. F . Contrats de Larsa. Paris, 1926. TIM — Texts in the Iraq Museum. Baghdad; Wiesbaden, 1964 ff. TIM 5 — Dijk J. Old Babylonian Contracts and Related Material. Wiesbaden, 1968. TS — Charpin D. Archives familiales et propriété privée en Babylonie ancienne: étude des documents de “Tell Sifr”. Genève, 1980. UE — Ur Excavations. Publications of the Joint Expedition of the British Museum and the Museum of the University of Pennsylvania to Mesopotamia. Oxford; Philadelphia, 1927 ff. UE 7 — Woolley C. L. The Old Babylonian Period. Ur Excavations. Vol. 7. Philadelphia, 1976. UE 10 — Legrain L., Woolley L. Cylinder Seals. Ur Excavations. Vol. 10. London, 1951. UET — Ur Excavations Texts. London, 1928 ff. UET 5 — Figulla H. H. , Martin W. J. Letters and Documents of the Old Babylonian Period. London, 1953. (Ur Excavation Texts. Vol. 5.) VS — Vorderasiatische Schriftdenkmäler der königlichen/staatlichen Museen zu Berlin. Leipzig; Berlin; Mainz. VS 18 — Klengel H. Altbabylonische Rechts- und Wirtschaftsurkunden. Berlin, 1973. YBC — signature of the Yale Babylonian Collection. YOS — Yale Oriental Series. Babylonian Texts. New Haven, 1915 ff. YOS 1 — Clay Albert T. Miscellaneous Inscriptions in the Yale Babylonian Collection. New Haven, 1915. YOS 5 — Grice E. M. Records from Ur and Larsa Dated in the Larsa Dynasty. New Haven; London, 1919. YOS 8 — Faust D. E. Contracts from Larsa, Dated in the Reign of Rim-Sin. New Haven; London, 1943. YOS 12— Feigin S. E. Legal and Administrative Texts of the Reign of Samsuiluna. New Haven; London, 1979. YOS 14— Simmons. Early Old Babylonian Documents. New Haven, 1978. ZA — Zeitschrift für Assyriologie. Leipzig.