Актуальные вопросы тюркологических исследований

125 XХXV Кононовские чтения Э. И. Пирага Головные уборы и мужская одежда азербайджанцев в XIX – начале XX вв. (по материалам Милской, Муганской, Ширванской этнографических зон) Ключевые слова: азербайджанцы, материальная культура, национальные костюмы, этническая культура, Кавказ. E. I. Piraga Men’s clothes and headgears of Azerbaijanis in the XIX – early XX centuries (Based on the materials of the Mil, Mugan and Shirvan ethnographic zones) Abctract: The article deals with the men’s clothes of Azerbaijanis living in Mil-Mugan, Shirvan historical ethnographic regions of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Here is also spoken about the men’s head-dresses of the Azerbaijani people. Ac- cording to method of cutting and sewing technique the types of traditional men’s clothing of Azerbaijanis was of all-Caucasian character. Traditional clothes include shirts, underpants, trousers tied up with cord, waist- coat, arhaluk (a type of men’s short outer garment), chukha (Caucasian coat, long waisted outer garment), felt cloak, sheepskin coat, long and loose frock and others. In the past, depending on their social status men wore such head-gear as papakh, bork (tall Caucasian hat usually made of sheepskin), tesek, skull-cap, bashlyk (hood), turban and others and foot-gear — bast sandals, slippers, mest, chust (light and heelless footwear), jackboots, foot-binding, onoocha (cloth wrapped round feet in bast-shoes), foot wrappers and so on. In addition, men dress was comple- mented by belt, tekbend, sash, dagger, and so on. Some types of clothing, including felt cloak, apron and so on were dresses connected with trade. In connection of the climate diversity some types of clothing, such as fur coat, bashlyk, foot wrappers and others were not equally spread in Mil-Mugan and Shirvan. Aba (long and loose frock), turbans and others were the type of clothing belonging to the clergy. The traditional headdresses were made of different materials- leather, felt, fabric etc. In the XIX – early XX centuries papakh occupied an important place among the men head-gear. In most cases, wealthy men’s papakh was sewn of the Karakul