Актуальные вопросы тюркологических исследований
29 XХXIII–XXXIV Кононовские чтения «ученик» в Караханиде. Слово не встречается после периода кипчаков. В статье структура и происхождение слова bošγutčï рассмотрено заново с необходимыми пояснениями. Ключевые слова: древнетюркский, древнеуйгурский, китайский, этимология, bošγutčï , учитель, ученик. 1. The Word bošγutčï in Old Uighur In DTS, the word bošγutčï is described as follows: “ BOŠγUTČÏ наставник, учитель” (advisor/mentor, tutor/teacher) 2 [23: 114]. The base bošγut “educating, teaching, informing”, from which bošγutčï derives, comes from a hypothetical verb bošγu- , according to Clauson and Erdal. The re- searchers came to this idea from the verbs bošγu-r- “to teach, to educate” 3 which is seen firstly in Köl Tigin and Bilge Qaγan inscriptions remained form the Kök-Turkic period [7: 335; 36: 134] and bošγu-n- “to learn, to receive/get instruction” (/to study, to be educated) in Old Turkic [9: 379; 15: 312 4 , 595]. R. R. Arat went one step further and based bošγut on boš ( boš+u-γ+u-t , the vowel u in the second syllable has fallen and it becomes bošγut “learning”) [2: 385] 5 . The word bošγutčï “teacher; student” was used in religious termi- nology in Old Uighur manuscripts. Ögel states that teachers were confused with religious teachers in Uighurs; therefore the teachers were called bahšï or ačarï , and later teachers were called bošγutčï which means “incentive, tu- tor” [25: 518]. Kocasavaş states that the word “hoca” is used in exchange for both “a teacher in mosque” and “a teacher at school” in Turkish (of Turkey) today and emphasizes that this situation strengthens the relationship between teacher, teaching and cleric, after she reminds the above-mentioned expres- sion of Ögel [25: 518]; furthermore she asks the question on the relation be- tween * bošγu- and bušï ; and also implies that she supposes the origin of the word *bošγu- in relation to the word bušï < Chinese 布施 bù shī 6 and explains 2 For other examples please see HT-VI 1651 [26]; HT-VII 1348, 1708, 2135.. 3 T. Tekin gives the meanings “öğretmek, akıl vermek, yapmak, düzene sokmak (to teach, to advise, to do, to regularize)” to the verb bošγur- in Köl Tigin and Bilge Kaγan inscriptions [36: 134]. 4 For the details of author’s explanations please see [15: 312, 595]. 5 R. R. Arat gives the meaning “learning” to the word bošγut , “to learn” to bošγun- , “to teach” to bošγur- , “tutor” (Skr. [dharma-]deśaka) to bošγutčï and “learner” (Skr. śaik ṣ a) to bošγutluγ [2: 385]. 6 Chinese 布施 bù shī “Dana (Buddhist practice of giving)” [41]; “ noun dana / giving / the practice of giving / generosity. Domain: Buddhism 佛教 . Notes: Sanskrit equivalent: dāna, Pāli: dāna; the first of the six paramitas; one of the seven kinds of spiritual wealth 七圣财
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