Актуальные вопросы тюркологических исследований
189 XХXIII–XXXIV Кононовские чтения The focus of the proposed work is the economic process of skyrocketing prices in the Ottoman Empire in the XVI–XVII centuries. The most intense devaluation of the akce occurred in the middle – late XVI century, and, most likely, was caused by the influx of silver and gold, which occurred together with the economic crisis of 1578. There is a point of view according to which the devaluation of the akce 1584 significantly exacerbated the economic situation in the country and escalated into an economic crisis that continued until the middle of the XVII century. Gold and silver brought from South America had a huge impact on the Ottoman Empire. The consequences of the price revolution in Europe on the Ottoman Empire immediately affected several areas of society. Violation of social and economic stability, the decomposition of the Timar system, and rumors of embezzlement and bribery among Sultan court subjects and judges — all this grew into discontent of the population. In turn, discontent hid the seeds of rebellion.
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