Актуальные вопросы тюркологических исследований

111 XХXIII–XXXIV Кононовские чтения shows clearly the strength of traditional culture under the Young Turks re- gime in the days when a special commission was created to specify çarşaf lengths and standards for veils for women. Suffice it to say, that Halidé Ha- num herself had to keep wearing a çarşaf in order to be safe in the streets of Istanbul in 1911–1912 [14: 139–141, 161]. It seems that the relations between Halidé Edib and Ariadna Tyrkova es- tablished in Istanbul would not ever be resumed after 1912. For a while, however, Halidé Hanum maintained her interest in Russia. According to Se- men Aralov, the Russian ambassador in Ankara in 1922, Halidé Edib was well-informed about the situation in the Soviet Russia [7: 72]. In 1924 she even translated and published in the newspaper Vakıt (Time) Hugh Walpole’s novel “The Secret City” which described the revolutionary Petrograd through the eyes of a British diplomat. In 1928 her translation under the title “Gizli Belde” appeared as book in Istanbul. On the other hand, she did not pay attention to the novel of A. Tyrkova and H. Williams “Host of Darkness” (1921) which was also devoted to the Russian revolution. It is worth noting that the name of Ariadna Tyrkova- Williams cannot be found in the memoirs of Halidé Edib 2 . References: 1. [ Adıvar ] The Memoirs of Halidé Edib. — New York; London, 1926. 2. Adıvar, Halide Edib . Turkey faces West. ATurkish view of recent chang- es and their origin. — New Haven, 1930. 3. Ellison, G. M. An English woman in a Turkish harem. — London, 1915. 4. Durakbaşa, A. Halide Edib: Türk Modernleşmesi ve Feminizm. — İstanbul, 2000. 5. Findley, C. V. An Ottoman Occidentalist in Europe: Ahmed Midhat meets Madame Gülnar, 1889 // The American Historical Review. — 1998. Feb- ruary. 6. Strauss, J. Ol’ga Lebedeva ( Gülnâr Hanım ) and her Works in Ottoman Turkish // Frauen, Bilder und Gelehrte: Studien zu Gesellschaft und Kün- sten im Osmanischen Reich (Arts, Women and Scholars. Studies in Ot- toman Society and Culture) / Festschrift Hans Georg Majer. — Istanbul, 2002. — Bd. 1. 7. Аралов, С. И. Воспоминания советского дипломата. — М., 1960. 2 By and large the fact is not surprising. Writing about the Republican Era in general, Johann Strauss notes ‘the total silence of prominent Turkish men of letters about their former Russian connections’ [6: 314].