Япония: цивилизация, культура, язык 2024
ЯПОНИЯ: цивилизация, культура, язык 2024 200 In “ Emerson ”, written by Tōkoku, there are substantial excerpts that showcase the relationship between Eastern thought and Emerson. 『斯の如く西洋的精神の充溢国々の 過去及び未来を鑑みて、彼は恐らく、我が米国の百年千 年の長計は、此の積極的活動的思想に加ふるに何物かを 以てせざるべからざるを思ひ得たらんか。之を以て彼は 遠く之を亜細亜に尋ねたり、彼は好んで波斯の詩を読め り、彼はマホメットを読めり、彼は更に独逸の新傾向を 利用して遥東の印度的寂静を味へ離、孔子を読めり、ブ ラマを歌えり』 (“ Considering the rich history and future of Western civilization, he perhaps felt that in order to contribute something to the long-term prospects of our country, the United States, it was essential to incorporate certain elements of this proactive and dynamic thinking. With this in mind, he extensively explored the depths of Asia, willingly delving into Persian poetry, reading about Muhammad, and embracing the new tendencies emerging in Germany to experience the profound tranquility of the distant East, reading Confucius, and singing about Brahma ”). Tōkoku’s evaluation of Emerson which perceive the essence of Emerson's philosophy as the integration of Eastern and Western thoughts, can be considered as words that also describe Tōkoku’s own worldview. He writes in “ Kokumin to shisou ” 『思想の最極は円環なり。叨みだり に東洋の思想に執着するも愚なり、叨りに西洋思想に心 酔するも癡なり』 25 (“ The ultimate form of thought is a circle. Being excessively attached only to Eastern philosophy is foolish, and being infatuated solely with Western thought is also foolish ”). 25 勝本清一郎、北村透谷全集、第二巻、『國民と思想』、 267 頁、岩波書 店、 1912.
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