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335 Vassilios Christides. The Cycle of the Arab-Byzantine Struggle in Crete... Our Figure No. Scene depicted Skylitzes’ Text Tsamadka’s listing of figures No. 14 An Arab prisoner demonstrating his dexterity in horsemanship in the Byzantine hippodrome Fol. 55r, top 129 Illustrations not included in Skylitzes’ Manuscript Figure No. Scene depicted Source I Blemmyes’ (Nubians’) attack on the monaster- ies of Sinai Fratelli Bocca, Il Menologio di Basilio II (Codices e Vaticani Selecti, VIII). Tourin, 1907. II, pl. 317. II An Egyptian horseman equipped with a shield ( shagira ) ( 13 th c.) Brit. Lib. Ms. Add. I8866, f. 129v, London. From: D. Nicolle, The Mamluks 1250– 1517 . Oxford, 1998. P. 14. III Naval battle in its last hand-to-hand stage Venice, Cod. Marc. Gr. 479. Cynegetica by Pseudo-Oppian (11 th c.). From: V. Christides et al., ed. Treasures of Arab-Byzantine Navigation (7 th –13 th  c.). Athens, 2004. P. 161. IV An Egyptian horseman demonstrating his dex- terity (13 th c.) Illumination from: Najm al-Dīn Hasan al-Rammāh (d. 1294), Al-Furūsiyyah wa’l Manāsal al-Harbiyyah , ed. A. Abbadi. Baghdad, 1984. P. 134. V Depiction of an enthroned From: Hana Taragan, “Constructing a Arab prince in the main Hall of Qusayr ‘Amra Visual Rhetoric: Images of Craftsmen and Builders in the Umayyad Palace” // Al-Masāq 20.2 (2008). P. 147, Fig. 7. Bibliography 1. Babuin A. A. Some Remarks on Arab Ships in Byzantine Iconogra- phy // A. A. Hijji, V. Christides, eds. Aspects of Arab Seafaring. Athens, 2002. 2. Bocca Fratelli. Il Menologio di Basilio II (Codicese Vaticani Selecti, VIII). Turin, 1907.