Судан и Большой Ближний Восток

322 IV. Ближний Восток и его соседи were common in the Mamluk army, 1 although they were also used by the Byzantines (see Fig. III ). 2 Soon after their first unsuccessful attempt of re-conquering Crete, the Byzantines organized a second expedition (dated ca 826), under the general Krateros, which was dispatched by Michael II (820–829). 3 According to Skylitzes’ text, Krateros landed on Crete with seventy ships, and fought against the Andalusians whomhe defeated. But while the Byzantines were celebrating their victory, the Andalusians attacked them during the night and slaughtered almost all of them. The general Krateros managed to escape on amerchant ship and found refuge on the island of Kos. The Andalusians, called “Krētes” by Skylitzes, pursued him and caught him in Kos where they hung him on a pole. 4 1 See D. Nicolle, The Mamluks 1250–1517 , p. 14. 2 Hoffmeyer, op. cit., 87; T. G. Kolias, Byzantinische Waffen. Ein Beitrag zur byzantinischenWaffenkunde von den Anfängen bis zur lateinischen Eroberung , Vienna 1988, 111. 3 Makrypoulias, op. cit., 151. 4 Thurn, 45, 1–28. Fig. III. An Egyptian horseman equipped with a shield ( ṣ aghīra) (13th C.)