Материалы чтений памяти Б. Н. Мельниченко и С. Е. Трифонова

135 Oldfield 1998— ​D. Oldfield. The restructuring of Thailand’s foreign policy towards Laos, 1988–1991 (Doctoral dissertation), Northern Illinois University, 1998. Ngaosyvathn 1985 — ​P. Ngaosyvathn. Thai-Lao relations: A Lao view. Asian Survey, 1985. Ngaosyvathn M., Ngaosyvathn P. 1994 — ​M. Ngaosyvathn, P. Ngaosyvathn. Kith and kin politics: The relationship between Laos and Thailand. Ma- nila: Journal of Contemporary Asia Publishers, 1994. Paribatra 2013 — ​P. Paribatra. Thailand’s relationship with its neighbors: A study of border conflict from 1973 to 2011 (Doctoral dissertation), Northern Illinois University, 2013. Paribatra 1984 — ​S. Paribatra. Strategic implication of the Indochina conflict: Thai perspective. Asian Affairs, 1984. Phuangkasem 1984 — ​C. Phuangkasem. Thailand’s Foreign Relations, 1964– 1980. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asia Studies, 1984. Rungmanee 2014 — ​S. Rungmanee. Compromised margin: Migration and agrarian transformation in the northeastern Thai-Lao borderlands (Doc- toral thesis). Sydney University, 2014. Said 1977 — ​E. Said. Orientalism. London: Penguin Books, 1977. Sankhamanee 2006 — ​J. Sankhamanee. Mekong border riverscape: Space and identity construction of the Lao long-distance boat traders (Master disser- tation). Chiang Mai University, 2006. Sirikrai 1979 — ​S. Sirikrai. Thai-American relations in the Laotian crisis of 1960–1962 (Doctoral dissertation), State University of New York at Bing- hamton, 1979. Stevenson 1972 — ​C. A. Stevenson, C. A. The end of nowhere: American policy toward Laos since 1954. Boston: Beacon Press, 1972. Strate 2015 — ​S. Strate. The lost territories: Thailand’s history of national hu- miliation. Honolulu: University of Hawaii’I Press, 2015. Theeravit, Semyeam 2003 — ​K. Theeravit, A. Semyeam. Thai-Lao relations in Laotian perspective. S. Jayanam (Trans.) Bangkok: The Institute of Asian Studies, Chulalongkorn University, 2003. Viravong 1964 — ​M. S. Viravong. History of Laos (US Joint Publication Re- search Service. Trans.). New York: Paragon Book Reprint Corp., 1964. Walker 2008 — ​A. Walker. Borders in motion on the upper-Mekong: Siam and France in the 1890s. New Mandala [Electronic resource]. URL: https:// www.newmandala.org/wp-content/uploads/2006/11/Borders%20in%20 motion.pdf [accessed 03.09.2019). Waltz 1979 — ​K. Waltz. Theory of international politics. Reading: Addison- Wesley Pub, Co., 1979. Winichakul 1994 — ​T. Winichakul. Siam mapped: A history of the geo-body of a nation. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1994. Wisaijorn 2015 — ​T. Wisaijorn. Re-thinking the Thai-Lao border in Interna- tional Relations: Can anti-geopolitics reveal a human dimension? (Master dissertation). Durham University, 2015.