Материалы чтений памяти Б. Н. Мельниченко и С. Е. Трифонова

103 Vi ṣṇ u is the mighty god and incarnates as an avatar to exterminate the existence of evil in the world. In King Rama I’s Ramayana, he remained a mighty god, who uses his power to protect the righteousness of the world. 5.2.1. Using the power to protect the righteousness of the world as a god The role of Vi ṣṇ u as a mighty god was expressed by him using his power to protect the righteousness of the world by exterminate the evil, protecting the good and the right thing. There was Nandaka (De- mon, Dasakantha’s past life), who was bullied by angels, so he asked for a magic point finger from Śiva to have a revenge. Thus, it became the angels’ threat. Therefore, Śiva ordered Vi ṣṇ u to exterminate Nandaka as soon as possible. As the result of his action, Vi ṣṇ u protected the world and kept peace. This shows that Vi ṣṇ u was a mighty god and protected the righ- teousness by exterminating every kind of evil, which was decided by gods and the right side. Therefore, everyone in the world had to follow their rules, otherwise they would face a tremendous punishment. 5.2.2. Using the power to protect the righteousness of the world as an avatar The role of Vi ṣṇ u as the mighty god was presented by using the power to protect the righteousness of the world as an avatar, also it was obvious that his action exterminated the evil and kept people safe. It is shown in the incident when Vi ṣṇ u punished Hiranyaka Yaksa who was trying to roll the earth. Therefore, Vi ṣṇ u transformed himself into a boar (which is one of his avatars in Hinduism) to fight Hiranyaka Yaksa. Moreover, Vi ṣṇ u used his power to fight the evil by himself, which is shown in the battle scenes where he fought with the evil demon and bad people, such as Kakanasura, Sawahu, Ramasura, Birava, Khon, Tushna, Trishiara, Marisha, Bali, Kumbhakarna, Davanasura, Dasakantha, Lord Kuvenuraja and Lord Anuraja. As an example of Vi ṣṇ u as Rama heroic action, we may mention the killing of Trishiara who was an evil demon, Dasakantha and Sa- manakha’s brother. He had to be punished because he tried to get a ven- geance for Samanakha who tried to harm Sita, Rama’s wife, but got pun- ishment from Rama instead, then told a lie to her brother to make him