Материалы чтений памяти Б. Н. Мельниченко и С. Е. Трифонова

102 made him a great threat. Thus, Śiva killed him using his third fired eye which only he possessed. In this episode Śiva demonstrated his magical power and support for the right side. 5.1.5. Using the power to judge The role of Śiva as a mighty god was expressed as his power to judge. There is a story about a conflict between Rama and Sita. Rama was furious and ordered for Sita’s death without fair consideration be- cause he thought that Sita loved Dasakantha. But, due to the Śiva’s fair judgment, Rama admitted his guilt and apologized to Sita, both of them agreed to compromise and they reunited again. Thus, it is clear that Śiva’s judgement was perfectly fair and respectful for everyone, even Rama and Sita, the mighty king and queen of the greatest court. 5.1.6. Using the power to create The role of Śiva as a mighty god was also demonstrated in his special ability to create. For instance, he created a being which is mentioned in King Rama I’s Ramayana as Jambubana (monkey); it was created by Śiva and sent to serve Rama in the future. This part of the story shows that Śiva used his power to support the right side directly. As Jambuba- na was a celestial soldier created by the mighty god’s hand, it was sent to join Rama’s army that was to fight against Dasakantha’s side (the dark side). Moreover, Jambubana played an important role to support Rama. After he joined Rama’s army, he gave Rama some useful informa- tion, such as the location of the antidote of Brahmastra arrow (celestial weapon which Śiva granted to Ronnapaktra, Dasakantha’s son) to heal Lakshmana, Rama’s brother. Jambubana was the only one who knew that location because he had served Śiva as pharmacy. Therefore, it was not a coincidence that Śiva sent Jambubana to serve Rama. The above mentioned proves that Śiva was a mighty god, who used his power to order, curse, bless, exterminate the evil, judge and create for only one purpose, supporting the right side. 5.2. The Role of Vi ṣṇ u as the mighty god in King Rama I’s Ramayana In Hinduism, Vi ṣṇ u is the god of sustenance. “Brahma, Vi ṣṅ u and Maheśvara are the Lords of creation, sustenance and extermination of this perishable universe” [Mani 1975: 864]. According to his status,