Материалы чтений памяти Б. Н. Мельниченко и С. Е. Трифонова

100 1. To use the power to order; 2. To use the power to curse; 3. To use the power to bless; 4. To use the power to exterminate the evil; 5. To use the power to judge. 5.1.1. Using the power to order The role of Śiva as the mighty god was to use his power to order (as it is expressed through his actions in this story), and to use the pow- er to order Vi ṣṇ u, Indra or the others. His power to order Vi ṣṇ u was used for the latter to cope with exter- minating Hiranta Yaksa. This part of the story was Śiva’s order given to Vi ṣṇ u to exterminate Hiranta Yaksa (Demon) who was rolling the earth and made people suffer. Vi ṣṇ u followed this order and killed him. This situation proves that Śiva used his power as a mighty god to give an or- der to Vi ṣṇ u who is a mighty god in Hinduism too. This analysis proves that Śiva was the mighty god who has the pow- er to give orders to the others, such as Vi ṣṇ u, the god of sustenance. Thus, Śiva proved himself as the most powerful god in King Rama I’s Ramayana who used his power to support the right side. 5.1.2. Using the power to curse Curse means “a rude or offensive word or phrase that the powerful celestial people like god, angle or people who have magic like sorcerer or rishi (hermit) use when they are very angry and it will activate as they say” [The office of the royal society 2011: 1215]. From this definition it is clear that the one who gives a curse must be a powerful being, like Śiva. In the story, Śiva used his power to curse someone who was guilty or worked imperfectly, such as Kumbala, Vannarin, Sunanda, Soavari, and Bushamali. His curse was firstly the punishment for their crimes, and also had subordinate purposes underlying in his curse actions, which always were to support the right side in the future circumstances. This is also illustrated in the story of Kumbala who was cursed by Śiva. The story tells how Rama met Kumbala; Kumbala was a close servant of Śiva, but Śiva cursed him to be a demon because the former had flirt- ed with Nilamali, a female angle who served in Śiva’s court. The curse worked until Kumbala gave Rama useful and important information where Lanka, Dasakantha’s kingdom, was. The curse after that ended and set Kumbala free. This episode illustrates that Śiva used his power to punish a culprit for the crime and to support the right side.